September 21, 2024

Cool Ranch Doritos Are Called WHAT?

Cool Ranch #CoolRanch

1. “Kimono” literally translates from Japanese as “wear thing.”

2.  The opposite of paranoia is called pronoia . . . the belief that everyone’s involved in a secret conspiracy to HELP you.

3.  The world record for bench press was 364 pounds in 1916.  It’s now more than TRIPLE that .. . a guy named Will Barotti bench pressed 1,105 pounds in last year.

4.  In Europe, Cool Ranch Doritos are called Cool American Doritos.

5.  The tongue twister “She sells seashells by the seashore” was inspired by a female paleontologist named Mary Anning who sold fossils out of a little stand on Dorset Beach in England in the early 1800s.

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