September 21, 2024

Bransholme rocker Ashley Winks dies in his family’s arms after losing rare cancer battle

Winks #Winks

The father of a talented Bransholme musician has paid tribute to his caring son who lost his life to a rare form of cancer.

Ashley Winks fought a brave 16-month battle against a fast-growing Burkitts lymphoma tumour – a fight he eventually lost last weekend. He was just 21.

Last February, he was given the amazing news that he was all clear but less than four months later scans revealed that the cancer had returned.

Despite the devastating diagnosis, the guitarist managed to get back on stage to raise thousands of pounds for charity before his and his family’s worst fears were realised.

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It is believed to be the fastest any patient in the UK has seen this type of cancer return.

Having raised more than £2,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) with a socially-distanced gig in September, October delivered the desperate realisation that the cancer would soon claim his life.

Just three months later, Ashley died at home with his family.

“We hoped his show would continue,” his dad Shaun said, while paying tribute to his young son who died on Saturday.

Just weeks after his huge fundraiser, Shaun and his tight-knit family had to prepare for the worst.

Ashley Winks was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma back in September 2019

Ashley’s vital treatment had continued uninterrupted despite the coronavirus pandemic and had initially shown signs of progress, however the progress didn’t last.

“They said that they had not seen anything like that before with how quick it was and how fit he was. It is just one of those things.

“With it being a rare cancer anyway they said he only had a few months left to live. They said the outcome would be poor,” he said.

“He was having a lot of treatment because the treatment they’d normally have used didn’t work on him. Halfway through that treatment they realised the procedure they planned wouldn’t have worked.

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“When they realised it wouldn’t work they tried other lymphoma treatment. They just said they would throw the kitchen sink at it. It receded for a few weeks but scans showed it had come back.

“That was October. They realised the tumour was still growing. The tumour was in his left side, just under his lung.

“When he first got it, it was throughout his body. Ashley, by this point, didn’t want to know any more details.

“He said ‘I don’t want to know, tell my dad’.”

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The only course of action left was to try radiotherapy, which Shaun believes helped to prolong his life enough to spend another Christmas with his loved ones.

Despite his love of performing – alongside his All Gone South band mates – Ashley’s dad says “he was never one for the limelight”.

While battling his lymphoma, Ashley received a letter from the sister of legendary guitarist Mick Ronson who revealed that she thought Shaun’s son was more talented than her brother was at the same age – but he was always keen to keep things to himself.

The famed Hull-born guitarist Mick Ronson

Shaun says stories are only just coming to light as friends begin to share their memories with his family.

“Ashley was never selfish. He thought about others over himself all the time,” Shaun said.

“It came from his school years. He started playing the drums but they seemed too much for him. He was born with a heart condition. He turned to the guitar when he was 11 or 12. It seemed like everything he tried he was good at.

“He loved Spiders and would have a JD and coke and a margarita. He was happy. It was the simple things.

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“He had got into Formula One and had made plans to go to Silverstone this year but that obviously can’t happen now.

“He was never one for the limelight, although he did get it not knowingly because of the people that went to see him.”

Ashley chose to pass away at home because he was “a home boy” and didn’t want to be in hospital, despite the excellent care he received from staff at Castle Hill.

Ashley leaves behind his close family unit which included his mum, Joanne Duffy and stepdad Steve, as well as his stepmum Penny.

His siblings, Casey, 29, Jordan, 27, Dominic, 26, and Codey, 20, are also mourning his loss along with cousins Charlotte and Emily, plus their husbands Colin and Sam who were close with him.

Ashley’s funeral will take place on Saturday, February 13 at Chanterlands Avenue Crematorium but attendees will remain limited due to current restrictions.

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