March 7, 2025

‘Keep Pittsburgh out of your mouth’: Steel City to Ted Cruz over Paris Climate Accord barb

Pittsburgh #Pittsburgh

A Tweet by Sen. Ted Cruz using Pittsburgh to blast President Joe Biden’s immediate executive order for the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord has some Steel City residents steaming.

The main message from these climate-change-minded Pittsburghers to the conservative Cruz of Texas: “Keep our city out of your mouth, Senator.”

Here is a Pittsburgh political backlash in a series of tart tweets:

First, the Cruz tweet that tied the global Paris accord to Biden favoring Parisians over Pittsburghers:

That ignited the backlash from Pittsburgh, with blowback hotter than a blast furnace:


Blunt, too, befitting the city’s blue-collar roots:

And tough. Always tough:

Others blasted the Republican Cruz seizing upon an outdated image of tech-and-medical-savvy Pittsburgh, which hasn’t been bellowing smoke from steel mills in decades:

Or this:

And this:

Of course, the mayors of both Pittsburgh and Paris weren’t missing this political opportunity:

But political reaction reached far beyond Pittsburgh. Here’s young climate change battler Greta Thunberg absolutely burning Cruz:

Others simply lectured the senator that the Paris accord doesn’t just cover the French capital:

But in all fairness to Cruz, he wasn’t the first to hold up Pittsburgh as reason for the U.S. to flout the Paris Accord. If you think you heard that one before, you did:

Now, that’s a lot of Pittsburgh-fueled political smoke over climate change. And it’s just Day One of the Biden presidency. Good thing this dust-up only warmed the political rhetoric, not the globe.

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