Don Lemon calls President Trump ‘the biggest snowflake of them all’
Don Lemon #DonLemon
CNN’s Don lemon called the President a huge snowflake as he took aim at Trump campaign spokesperson Hogan Gidley after he praised his boss for his manliness.
National press secretary Gidley told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer Monday: ‘The most masculine person I think to ever hold the White House is the president of the United States’.
Lemon ranted on his show Monday night : ‘I’ve heard a lot of pathetic things from this White House; this one really takes the cake.
‘A big tough guy who incited a riot and then hid in the White House for five days and still refuses to take responsibility. He’s the president of the United States.
”He’s the most masculine’ – come on man… Shut up.
‘Shut up! He is the biggest snowflake of them all, the biggest one.
‘Why are you coddling his feelings all the time?
‘Who’s the snowflake now?’
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Don Lemon (above) ranted on his show Monday night: ‘He (Trump) is the biggest snowflake of them all – the biggest one’
‘The most masculine person I think to ever hold the White House is the president of the United States,’ President Donald Trump’s campaign press secretary Hogan Gidley said Monday on Fox News Channel
Hemmer had asked Gidley if Trump was feeling ’emasculated’ because his Twitter and other social media accounts had been suspended.
‘Look, I wouldn’t say emasculated,’ Gidley began.
After touting Trump’s masculinity, Gidley attacked Twitter and Facebook’s decision to ban the president, after he inspired a mob to march on Capitol Hill with remarks he made at a rally Wednesday.
His supporters broke into the Capitol Building in a violent incident that killed five, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
‘What he does see is a systematic attack against, not just him, but against 75 million Americans who disagree with the socialist, communist vision that Democrats have for this country,’ Gidley continued. ‘That is completely unfair.’
Gidley was referring to the 74.2 million Americans who voted for Trump in November.
President Donald Trump is seen above at his ‘Save America’ rally on Wednesday before his supporters rioted at the Capitol
‘And by the way, if Twitter and Facebook are private businesses and you can’t do anything about it, then I think every pizza shop owner, every gym owner, every restaurant should open up right now and say if you’re going to allow Facebook and Twitter to act the way they’re acting, then we’re going to open up as well,’ Gidley continued.
Lemon concluded his attack on Gidley and Trump by saying: ‘The president’s legacy will be not the most masculine president but the biggest loser we have ever had as president,’
‘Maybe that should have been the name of his show instead of The Apprentice: The Biggest Loser.’
Lemon also took aim at QAnon Shamen Jacob Chansley for being a snowflake because he won’t eat prison food.
Chansley, who is from Phoenix, turned himself in to the FBI after returning from Washington, D.C. on Saturday morning and according to his mother, has not eaten since being detained because the detention facility won’t feed him all organic food.
Gidley (right) was asked by Fox’s Bill Hemmer if Trump was feeling ’emasculated’ because his Twitter and other social media accounts had been suspended. Gidley answered that he ‘wouldn’t say emasculated’ and then complimented the president’s manliness
During Gidley’s interview he was also asked by Hemmer how Trump planned to communicate with the public in his post-presidency.
‘That remains to be seen. As I said, you can absolutely censor us. You can’t silence us. And we’ll see how the president reacts, and we’ll see what Twitter and Facebook decide to do with his accounts,’ Gidley answered.
‘There are obviously a lot of options out there. Whether he ends up creating his own entity, we’ll wait and see, but the president of the United States most assuredly is going to be able to communicate with his followers and the American people one way or the other,’ Gidley added.
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