October 6, 2024

UN Experts Warn of Islamophobia Rising to ‘Alarming Levels’

Islamophobia #Islamophobia

According to Anadolu, the experts stated that these acts were “shocking our conscience and creating a climate of fear and deep distrust.”

The UN General Assembly proclaimed March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia in 2022, calling for “strengthened international efforts to foster a global dialogue on the promotion of a culture of tolerance and peace at all levels,” according to the experts.

“During this holy month of Ramadan, we are appalled at the continued refusal by Israel to allow adequate humanitarian assistance and food aid to be provided to the mainly Muslim civilian population in Gaza despite the widespread hunger and signs of severe malnutrition,” they added.

The experts noted that today, “hate entrepreneurs,” political parties, armed groups, religious leaders, and even state actors around the world are trampling on respect for diversity of religions and beliefs.

“We urge States to ground their responses to all forms of religious hatred, including Islamophobia, in the universal values, principles, and legal framework of international human rights,” said the experts.

They condemned orchestrated public burnings of the holy Quran as deplorable.

“Where advocacy of religious hatred constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence, it must be prohibited by law in accordance with international standards,” they emphasized.

The experts highlighted that in too many countries in the lead-up to elections, state and non-state actors fuel religious tensions and promote discriminatory laws and policies against Muslim minorities to gain political advantage.

“Across the world, we have witnessed attacks on mosques, cultural centers, schools, and even private property belonging to Muslims,” they lamented.

They expressed serious concern about Israel’s undue restrictions on access to the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

“These restrictions are particularly alarming in the context of monumental loss of life and destruction of a significant number of places of worship in Gaza,” said the experts.

“Cultural property is protected in international humanitarian law during armed conflict since it recognizes damage to the cultural property of any people as resulting in damage to the cultural heritage of all mankind,” they added.

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