September 20, 2024

Joy Reid’s population rant is so divorced from reality and uninformed

Joy Reid #JoyReid

MSNBC host Joy Reid made a mockery of herself on Monday when she went on an unhinged tirade, somehow spinning America’s population decline into a slavery conspiracy. 

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) took to X to declare his intentions to defend in vitro fertilization access in Alabama, stating that “a bill to protect IVF will be taken up immediately. We want everyone to have the opportunity to have kids. IVF will remain legal and available in Alabama.” 

Despite the widespread support for IVF on both the Left and the Right, a certain Joy Reid took great issue with part of his statement; in particular the part where Tuberville says he wants “everyone to have the opportunity to have more kids.” This triggered Reid and possessed her to angrily take to TikTok and post her own response. 

“Why do we need more kids?” asked Reid incredulously, as if saying such things was a new or foreign assertion to her. For her to ask that clearly indicates that she has never studied population decline, which has serious effects nationwide. When a society starts to fall below replacement level, the economy is stressed and eventually collapses without a devoted younger workforce to support it, along with caring for the growing elderly majority. 

Reid then turned the IVF topic into a migration one. “Ten million immigrants — I don’t even know if that number makes any sense because it doesn’t,” she chimed sarcastically. It is baffling that she could bestow the title of “border crisis denier” on herself so proudly, and yet she did.

The Border Patrol has recorded over 9.1 million encounters on the southern border, while a Fox News analysis found that over 7.3 million have successfully invaded. And that discludes the several millions that are unaccounted for. 

Reid continued, arguing that it does not make sense to believe that flooding your country with unchecked foreigners is bad while also believing that “we need to have more kids.” Children born in a society inherently have a stronger connection to it than those born and raised outside it, and therefore they have more drive to preserve it and make it flourish.

Reid’s rambling eventually brings her to slavery. She said that Alabama only needed more children in the past “because, you know, Alabama was a slave state.” She then claimed that wanting to have more children is “kind of slavery-ish” because the only reason Alabamans would have is to “make them do the work that the migrants are doing now.” 

Finally, Reid decides a little racism wouldn’t hurt. “I mean, you’re also a white guy. … Is this like a Great Replacement thing?” Putting words in Tuberville’s mouth, she asks, “So the ‘we’ is white people need to make white women make more kids?”


After her flurry of poorly connected points, conspiratorial denials, and racial assumptions of Alabamans, Joy Reid was rightfully mocked across the internet. Even Tuberville chimed in, adding, “Being attacked by Joy Reid is a badge of honor.” 

For as much as she seems to hate the idea of Alabamans and conservatives having kids and sees the idea of being fruitful and multiplying as perplexing, she ironically has three children of her own. In Reid’s concluding words, that’s “a little creepy … don’t you think?” 

Parker Miller is a 2024 Washington Examiner Winter Fellow.

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