September 23, 2024

Essex lorry deaths: Deleting tweet that almost collapsed trial ‘right thing to do’, says Priti Patel

Priti Patel #PritiPatel

Home Secretary Priti Patel said deleting a tweet she made during the Essex lorry deaths trial, which could have endangered the proceedings, it was claimed, was “the right thing to do”.

n Monday, two men were found guilty of the manslaughter of 39 Vietnamese migrants found dead in a lorry trailer in Purfleet, Essex, in October 2019. The trailer had travelled from Zeebrugge in Belgium into the UK.

County Down man Eamonn Harrison (24), who dropped off the trailer at the Belgian port, and people-smuggler Gheorghe Nica (43), were convicted by a jury at the Old Bailey.

During the trial, on the anniversary of the tragedy on October 23, Priti Patel caused a storm when a tweet was sent out from her official Twitter account stating: “One year ago today, 39 people lost their lives in horrific circumstances at the hands of ruthless criminals.

“My thoughts remain with everyone who was affected by that day, particularly the loved ones of the people who so tragically died.”

The prosecution of four alleged people-smugglers was still ongoing at the Old Bailey when the tweet was sent out, prompting concerns it could unfairly prejudice the trial.

Ms Patel’s post was retweeted and like more than 100 times before it came to the attention of a defence lawyer, leading to the trial being temporarily halted.

Speaking to the BBC on Tuesday, Ms Patel revealed that she had been asked by the Home Office to delete the tweet, which she subsequently did, more than an hour after it was posted.

Asked if she accepted issuing the tweet was a mistake, Ms Patel replied: “We were asked to remove that tweet, so we did the right thing and absolutely removed that tweet. But I think it is important to point out as well that that tweet was actually sent out after several individuals had entered guilty pleas.

It was pointed out, however, that the trials of other defendants were still ongoing.

“We were asked to remove it and I did remove that tweet, I think that’s the most important point here,” she continued.

“But that tweet was issued at a time when people had entered a guilty plea around the atrocious, absolutely appalling deaths of the 39 Vietnamese migrants who were killed in that lorry in Purfleet.”

After the tweet was brought to the attention of defence lawyer Alisdair Williamson QC, in the absence of a jury, he complained about the use of the term “ruthless criminals” in the post, especially because Priti Patel is a senior government minister.

“It is unhelpful to say the least and a lot worse could be said. l don’t know what course could be taken. I know I don’t tweet personally. If action could be taken before the jury gets home,” he said.

“I don’t know whether the court can invite the government to delete that tweet?”

Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones said: “Contact was made with the Home Secretary’s office but I have not been updated on any response.”

Prior to sending jurors home for the weekend, Mr Justice Sweeney told them to ignore social media comments from politicians.

“It is a year today since the bodies of the victims were found. No doubt the anniversary will be commented on, whether in mainstream media or social media,” he said.

“And whether by politicians, likewise journalists or others, inevitably there is a risk that such comments may assert or imply guilt of amongst others the men who are in your charge, two of whom are charged with the manslaughter of the victims.

“You must ignore any such comments. It’s a fundamental principle of our criminal justice system that those on trial are presumed to be innocent until proven to be guilty and it is you and you alone who are going to decide whether they are guilty or not guilty.”

Belfast Telegraph

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