October 4, 2024

An Astrologer Reveals Major Transformations We Can Expect From The Once-In-A-Lifetime Pluto In Aquarius Transit

Aquarius #Aquarius

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, which represents a huge planetary shift that will ultimately change our lives and the world.

This powerful planet hasn’t been in Aquarius since 1777-1799.  It did dip its toes into the sign briefly in late March through early June 2023, and this brief period gave us a hint about the bigger picture that will soon be unveiled in the coming years. 

Significance of Pluto in Aquarius 2024

Pluto is a generational planet that affects not only our lives but the world as a whole. Those who come of age during Pluto’s transit through any sign are deeply connected to the changes that occur during this time and are forever influenced by these years. 

Not only does Pluto act as a generational planet, each time it changes signs, it changes society and the power structures and balances on the world stage. Pluto is all about power and the collective as well as us individually, depending on what Pluto is aspecting in your own chart.

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While Pluto is associated with the collective, it is a powerful force in our own lives, depending on what it is aspecting in each individual’s chart. Pluto’s influence is profound, life-changing and intense, especially if it is making a harsh aspect. It is connected to themes of power, loss, control, sexuality, and our deep inner psychology. Pluto is never satisfied with superficial answers and goes beneath the surface of things. To know what Pluto does in your chart, you must know what house it is transiting, or what if any aspects it is making. 

Pluto will remain in Aquarius this year until September 3rd, when it will re-enter Capricorn at the critical 29th degree one more time. The 29th degree is considered a crisis degree, especially on the world stage or if it directly aspects something in your chart. On a personal level, it can make you feel as though you have a very short time to complete something. At this time, we may see a brief resurfacing of the old guard and old issues before Pluto returns to Aquarius on November 19th where it will remain until 2044.

The outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) often go back and forth, giving us a preview of a few months in the next sign before they enter it permanently or for whatever length of time they will remain in that particular sign. Aquarius is the sign ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and is associated with unexpected events, coups and rebellions, technology and aircraft, to name a few. During Pluto’s time in Aquarius we will see many unexpected changes.

When Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20th, it is conjunct the Sun, making its entrance into the sign even more powerful.

Sun-Pluto transits are generally associated with power and power struggles on the world stage, which can of course spill over into our personal lives. This year, however, it does something even more rare.

On January 19th, the Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, which we can consider ‘the old order of things,’ that could include extremes and extremists. Just a few hours later, the Sun and then Pluto both enter Aquarius for the 2nd Sun-Pluto conjunction in the same 24-hour period. This Sun-Pluto conjunction can be considered part of the ‘new order.’ We can expect to see significant world events between this time and the end of January.

You will be affected by this transit if you have planets at 28-29 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, or 0-1 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio.

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Effects of Pluto in Aquarius

Let’s take a look at some of what we can expect during Pluto’s transit through Pluto over the next 20 years.

Significant weather events

Climate change will become more significant along with a global effort to slow it down. Uranus is often connected with catastrophic weather events.

Power to the people

Aquarius is all about the people as opposed to patriarchy, tight control of people’s lives or repression. Aquarius is associated with sudden rebellions and coups. Eventually, the majority will rule, especially in the US — but it will spread globally.

Aquarius is also associated with personal freedom and this will be demanded both on a collective as well as individual level. There may be monetary shifts and rebellion against the 1% of the population owning half of the global wealth.

Major breakthroughs in technology and medicine

Knowledge will increase in almost every area, as Aquarius is a rational air sign that respects rationality and knowledge.

AI and other technological advances will grow and eventually play a role in day-to-day living. The potential exists for AI to grow to the point it has to be reined in so as to not control us with misinformation, especially in the first few years.

There will be a new technological revolution that will change many things including electronic communication, communication devices and perhaps the TV industry and more. We will see some brilliant advances, especially when it comes to changes in aircraft, spacecraft, space travel and air travel. More of the mystery surrounding UFOs may finally be revealed or we will come much closer to it.

Relationships will change

Aquarius is a social sign associated with friendships more than romance. Aquarius rules the 11th house of the collective and groups. Some may become so intertwined with their own group or ideas they lose sight of anything outside of what their own circle promotes.

Of course, romance and desire will always remain part of the human condition but ‘situationships,’ as opposed to ‘relationships,’ will play a larger role in societal change. Also, many relationships will lean toward the unconventional and the general population will become more concerned with equality in relationships and acceptance of relationships that are not the current norm.

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Related Stories From YourTango:What happened the last time Pluto was in Aquarius?

It’s been 225 years since Pluto was last in Aquarius, and the world has changed dramatically. Let’s look at some of the most significant changes that occurred when Pluto last transited Aquarius.

  • The Industrial Revolution occurred
  • Vermont became the first colony to ban slavery (1777) and the Vermont legislature moved to provide full voting rights to African American men.
  • The American Revolution was being fought and ended with the Treaty of Paris.
  • France entered the US Revolutionary War which led to French money and materials being sent to America.
  • The French Revolution occurred (1789)
  • The US drafted the dollar
  • George Washington became the first US President 
  • The US Constitution was drafted and signed
  • The latter years of The Age of Reason occurred and Thomas Paine wrote his famous book, “Common Sense,” which became the equivalent of today’s blockbuster books.
  • According to spirituality creator Remington Donovan on TikTok, these themes of revolution will occur once again. However, he believes it will be more of a “consciousness revolution.”

    “Aquarius is a higher ideal for humanity,” he said in a TikTok video. “It’s innovation, it’s technology. But it’s liberation and freedom,” he says, that will be at the forefront this time around.

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    Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.

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