October 5, 2024

Sean Hannity blames banks for Donald Trump’s fraud

Hannity #Hannity

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): This case is a joke. This civil trial brought by an attorney general that ran on a platform that stated very publicly, very often to go after one man, to go after one family, to go after one organization. A judge that is adhering to a value that is obscene and absurd and completely false that Mar-a-Lago is only worth $18 million. 

And this judge, you know, the whole case is supposed to be about, well, Donald Trump, was unfair to banks and unfair to insurance companies, because he overvalued some of his properties in New York in financial statements.

Not that it would matter anyway because there was a disclaimer in every single one of those agreements saying, “Don’t count on our valuations. You must do your own due diligence and come up with your own estimates.”

And by the way, how reckless and irresponsible would it be for a bank or an insurance company to either lend money or give a policy and not come up with their own valuations when you’re talking about hundreds of millions of dollars?

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