October 6, 2024

BIZTODAY China-Pig Lift

China #China

Pig lifts help take hog farming to the next level in China 【Voice_over】 At a vertical hog farm in the southern Chinese city of Zhongshan, workers are installing an elevator especially designed to transport pigs. With a load capacity of 15 tons, the lift is made from corrosion-resistant metal, and has ventilation, disinfection, and automatic cleaning systems. A tilting device at the bottom of the cabin, meanwhile, guides the pigs out the door so that no human intervention is required. 【Sound_bite】 Yin Peng, manager, research and development department, Matiz Elevator Co., Ltd.: “Our automatic herding system prevents the cabin, which has already been contaminated by the pigs, from being contaminated for a second time by workers.” 【Voice_over】 Vertical pig farming is gaining traction as a livestock solution in the country where pork is extremely popular. Going forward, the firm says they’re aiming to develop advanced pig lifts with higher load capacities. 【Sound_bite】 He Chaofei, deputy general manager, Matiz Elevator Co., Ltd.: “Pig lifts are actually a segment of the freight elevator. We are engaged in in-depth research and development of pig lifts, including those with high load capacities. Pig lifts with a capacity of more than 20 tons are already in use. We are also working on those with a 50-ton capacity.” 【Voice_over】 The company has obtained more than 300 patents related to lift production, with all the core components of its heavy-duty lifts self-developed and manufactured. +++++++++++++++ 传统养猪场一般是平房,占地面积比较大,在耕地保护愈加严格的背景下,占地较少的高楼养猪模式应运而生。 如何让生猪 自己上下楼呢?广东中山的一家专精特新企业 自主研发的养猪电梯,就解决了这个问题。 在广东中山一家养猪场,一台额定载重15吨的养猪电梯,正在安装调试中。这座高载重电梯,由广东中山一家专精特新企业自主研发生产。为适应养殖使用,猪电梯专门配备了新风系统、杀菌消毒喷淋和自动清洗等功能装置。 【同期】美迪斯电梯有限公司工程服务部总监 周建文 我们会采用纯体的304不锈钢,之后连接处我们会采取镀锌的一个连接件,保证箱体内的各种配件是处于防腐的一个状态。 此外,在养猪电梯内部轿厢的底部,还装有自动倾斜功能装置。电梯到达楼层,不必人工驱赶,猪可以相当“体面”地自主走出电梯,实现无人化管理。 【同期】美迪斯电梯有限公司研发部经理 尹鹏 然后我们这套自动驱赶系统,完全可以避免我们工作人员在轿厢已经被生猪污染的情况下,再进入轿厢造成二次污染。 虽然是猪用电梯,技术含量可一点也不低。猪电梯采用了永磁同步技术和盘式制动方案,在降低电梯使用能耗、节省电梯机房建筑空间的同时,还能大幅度降低制动噪音。此外,养猪电梯还装有能量反馈装置,能把电梯的势能转换为电能,更为节能环保。目前,美迪斯在电梯领域已累计获得300多项技术专利。大载重货梯和养猪电梯核心的部件完全由公司自主研制和生产,部件的国产率达到了95%以上。 【同期】美迪斯电梯有限公司副总经理 何超飞 养猪电梯其实是货梯的一个细分领域。我们对养猪电梯进行了深度的开发,比方说对它的一个高载重,目前实际在用的已经超过了20吨(载重)的一个养猪电梯,还在研发(载重)50吨的养猪电梯。

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