January 12, 2025

Faith | Happy New Year 2024 and Happy ‘Re-New-All’ in Jesus

Happy 2024 #Happy2024

On this last day of the latest year of our Lord, permit me to posit some Last Day Q&A.

To wit: What are the Last Days? Are there End Time signs? Will there be a final judgment? Is there a particular last day and, if so, what comes to an end, and how, and why, and (of course) when? Also, what happens after the end? Is there a heaven and, if so, how do I get there? Relatedly: Do all dogs go to heaven?

Ah, the eschaton, the last things! Questions abound.

Recently, I was asked to lead a chapel talk for elementary students using the assigned pedagogical prompt: Question: What else does Christ’s death redeem? Answer: Every part of fallen creation.

After gladly reminding the children that the prior catechism Q&A assured them that “Christ’s death on a cross fully paid the penalty for our sins,” I proceeded to expand on the breadth and beauty of this follow-up inquiry regarding “what else.” It so happens what Jesus did not only leads to forgiveness, but also, it redeems “every part of fallen creation.”

Wait, what? And, wow!

Since this conclusion proves quite cosmic, I sought to relay its bigness to little kids by telling them that today’s chapel, in one word, is about “Renewal” — (although I would go on to pronounce the word, Re-New-All). As if to emphasize that Jesus himself is making ALL things New, just like he said in the Revelation (21:5).

Indeed, the good creation fell into death and decay because of sin; but Jesus came to redeem “every part.”

As sweeping as that statement sounds, it turns out that wondering (and wandering) minds still ask questions about the save-ability of particular parts of the creation. Anticipating such, I offered the children a brief list of broken parts that Jesus is pleased to redeem, buy back, renew.

Starting small, I mentioned Particles: Tiny things, like molecules, cells, atoms, and H2O. Next up, Plants: From seeds to trees, to the dirt they’re in; all these were called “good” in the beginning, but need ReNewAll in the end. As will Planets: In God’s story, who saves the planets? Who saves the universe? Not an Iron man, but a God-man; Mercury, Venus, Earth … all must get redeemed, as far as the curse is found.

Plus, Penguins! As a sampling of frolicking “birds and fish” once created good, penguins will need renewal too. — As will Puppies! Since beasts and bugs were part of the beginning goodness, we well ask: will puppies reappear in the renewal of all things? (Here I told the kids they could ask their teachers about this later).

And lastly, what about People? Will any sinful, fallen humans find themselves in the New Heavens and New Earth (Isaiah 66; Revelation 21)? The short (and sweet) answer is, yes!

All the redeemed, repentant, reborn, and restored people will get renewed, and even, revealed. As Paul explains in Romans 8: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”

Oh, there awaits a glorious day for God’s people when, in soul and body, believers gather in a scene that exceeds Eden, welcoming all nations into his renewal.

How’s that for a compelling Q&A on this latest Last Day? Truly, as you turn the page on your old calendar, and peek around the corner, may you see not only a Happy New Year but, in Jesus, a very Happy ReNewAll!

Craig Davis

Rev. Dr. Craig P. Davis is minister at Grace United Reformed Church in Kennewick. Questions and comments should be directed to editor Lucy Luginbill in care of the Tri-City Herald newsroom, 4253 W. 24th Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99338. Or email lluginbill@tricityherald.com.

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