January 11, 2025

Tucker Praises Alex Jones For The ‘Precision’ Of His Predictions As He Claims The Feds ‘Cooked The Bomb’ For the World Trade Center

Alex Jones #AlexJones

Fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on his X/Twitter show this week and praised the far-right, fringe figure for the “precision” of his wild claims.

Jones, who is currently on the hook for some $1.5 billion in damages after being found guilty of defaming the families of children murdered at Sandy Hook, has long been a close friend of Carlson, who himself has spun many a debunked conspiracy theory.

Carlson began the interview with high praise for Jones and then played a video he called a “list of things that you called ahead of time.”

“Those 911 clips are crazy. I’m actually bothered by the precision of them. I’m like, how could you in July of 2001, call that?” Carlson then asked.

“Well, in the longer clip, it’s a multi-hour show from July 21st, 2021. I specifically walk through all the reasons, and I knew they were hyping up that we were about to be hit by Osama bin Laden,” Jones replied, hinting at the idea that 9/11 was an inside job conducted by the U.S. government.

“I knew that the World Trade Center had been attacked the first time and that the feds had been involved, helping cook the bomb and allowing it to go forward. And I just saw a lot of the pre-programing that was happening in the media,” Jones continued, more explicitly calling the terror attack a “false flag.”

Jones has regularly accused the U.S. government of being behind major events and his accusations that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary massacre was a “false flag” operation led to the widespread harassment of parents whose children were murdered – including threats to dig up and desecrate their graves to prove they were “crisis actors” as Jones claimed.

“But the 9/11 thing, I remember that really well. Nobody was thinking like that. So you called it in public on tape, did the 9/11 Commission, so if I’m the FBI investigating 9/11, you’re like the first guy I would call because you’re the only person who said that out loud. Did they call you?” Carlson continued.

“No. No, they didn’t,” Jones replied, adding:

My most accurate prediction going back over a decade was when I read the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep, and they describe using a virus to bring in world government, to bring in a world medical idea that they would then build a social credit score off of and that they would make people wear masks for fear that they would shut down sporting events and things like that and basically phase in this new tyranny. So I was also able to specifically make that prediction over and over and over again because I was going off their own battle plans.

“Are you the only person in media who actually reads these reports?” Carlson followed up fawning.

“I don’t think a lot of people do read them, but I do read them. I’m currently reading them. It reports from their top councils. Pentagon reports they have a working group called the Mad Scientist Group at the Pentagon that works for them,” Jones replied, adding:

And if you go watch their hour long, two hour long, three hour long meetings they have on YouTube with all the tops, I mean, we’re talking hundreds of top scientists. They admit that they’re building a post-human world that soon everyone’s going to be mind controlled, that they’re going to put smart dust in our food that they can electromagnetically control. And they just lay it all out right there.

After some further rambling from Jones, he added, “And so I’m just following the trajectory of where they say they want to take us.”

He concluded by doubling down on the idea that the 9/11 terror attacks were perpetrated by the government as he read a document in 2000 “a year before 9/11, where they describe we really need big terror attacks. We really need Pearl Harbor events to get Americans to give up their rights.”

Watch the clip above via Tucker Carlson on Twitter.

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