September 23, 2024

Breezy Thursday sees the start of a short lived warm up into the weekend

Good Thursday #GoodThursday

Today brings back sunshine thanks to high pressure building towards our southwest in the southern Gulf States. The placement of this high helps change our wind direction from the northwest to southwest this evening. The transition won’t be smooth as winds push 10-15mph with gusts above 20mph at times. Still, warmer winds help us push into the upper 40s and low 50s this afternoon. Wind chills make it feel a touch cooler in the low 40s, but a big improvement over Wednesday.

Tonight at sunset, Hannukah begins with clear skies and temps cooling down as winds subside some. Southwest winds 5-10mph will help keep us above the freezing mark for many in the lowlands with overnight lows in the mid 30s. We’ll still have a few spots in the deeper valleys and higher elevations dropping into the low 30s.

Friday will be a good day overall with sunshine a plenty. After a chilly morning, temps warm up quickly with the help of southwest winds into the upper 50s. With less in the way of winds, we’ll feel like we’re in the 50s for an above average day. If you are out and about, be sure to stop by our 59News Toys for Tots drive. Our 59News team will be at three Wal-mart locations including Fayetteville, Lewisburg, and Beckley and what a beautiful day to do some shopping!

Saturday we start the day mild in the 40s and rocket our way into the low 60s. Our morning side will be the most enjoyable as clouds increase in the afternoon. Winds pick up as well which is why we’ll enjoy a big warm up but changes are coming. Showers filter in from the west ahead of a cold front Saturday evening. Scattered at best, but worth noting for those with outdoor plans. Temps remain mild in the 40s overnight as showers build in intensity into Sunday morning.

Sunday will be a busy day for us in the weather lab. A cold front on the stronger side brings strong winds 30-35mph at times and heavy rain. A rumble of thunder for our western counties can’t be ruled out, either. Standing water on roads along with mountain run-off issues will be something to watch for all day as showers are stubborn all day long. Sunday afternoon into the evening hours, colder air begins to push in behind the cold front. Rain chances over to ice and eventually snow late into Sunday night. The messy end to the weekend will make travel a bit tricky, especially for overnight commuters. Temps drop fast into Monday morning.

Monday, black ice and snow showers will make for a rough start to the day. Temps hover in the mid 20s allowing for widespread black ice on roads much of the morning. Snow showers of the morning turn more flurries for the western facing mountains to the east. Accumulations look minor for most, but certainly not helping the already slick roads. Highs Monday barely above the freezing mark for many will be hurt with winds rushing in from the northwest making it feel much colder overall. Slick travel can be expected through the evening hours as snow showers fade and clearer skies allow temps to drop back into the teens and twenties.

Tuesday will be a calmer day with mostly clear skies but temps are slow to move. Teens and twenties of the morning only warm into the low to mid 40s. Winds relax some but enough of a breeze make it feel like we’re in the upper 30s. A good reminder that we’re in the last few days of the fall season.

Wednesday will be a sunny day but chilly as temps hover just below seasonal averages. This time of year, our average highs are in the mid 40s and Wednesday will see many right about there. At least winds relax quite a bit so wind chills won’t be as dramatic as the last few days. A few high level clouds but high pressure will keep us dry.

Thursday we do enjoy the influence of high pressure and a more stable pattern however, with high pressure just towards our east, it doesn’t help us warm up any. Highs for the day struggle into the mid 40s. At least we’re quiet for those still making the last minute runs for Christmas shopping or to Hanukkah festivities.

In your extended forecast, our chilly and quiet runs looks to come to an end as we fall into a more unsettled pattern. A series of system keep rain and snow showers alive. Long range forecasts running towards the end of the month will keep the December holiday season interesting for families traveling for Christmas and Kwanzaa. Icy roads, snow chances, and chilly weather will make this holiday season feel like winter straight through.

THURSDAY – FIRST DAY OF HANUKKAHBreezy & sunny. Highs in the 40s.FRIDAYWarmer and calmer. Highs push into the 50s.SATURDAYWarm, breezy, increasing clouds. PM rain. Highs in the 60s.SUNDAYActive weather day. Heavy rain, windy, PM wintry mix. Highs in the upper 50s.MONDAYSnow showers early. Flurries PM. Highs in the 30s.TUESDAYCold and breezy. Highs in the low 40s.WEDNESDAYChilly with sunshine. Highs in the mid 40s.THURSDAY Dry and cool. Highs in the low 40s.FRIDAY– LAST DAY OF HANUKKAHCool and clear. Highs in the mid 40s.SATURDAYSunny to start, increasing clouds. Highs in the upper 40s.SUNDAY Showers return, mtn. mix, breezy at times. Highs in the low 40s.

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