October 6, 2024

The EU’s report card on potential new members of the bloc

Bloc #Bloc

The European Commission on Wednesday made key steps toward bringing new members into the 27-country bloc.

In a drive for enlargement kickstarted by Russia’s war in Ukraine, it suggested the start of formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, and the granting of candidate status to Georgia, once a number of conditions are fulfilled. 

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that the countries “have understood the call of history, and that is that you have to choose if you want democracy and prosperity or if you want an authoritarian regime.”

The next step is for EU leaders to back the Commission’s plan at a summit in Brussels in December.

POLITICO breaks down the report cards per country — and looks at their future homework before becoming a member of the bloc. Plus there’s a traffic light indicating the political will toward accession (as decided by POLITICO, not by the Commission!).

What the report said: Despite Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, Ukraine has continued to progress on democratic and rule of law reforms. The granting of candidate status to Ukraine in June 2022 further accelerated reform efforts, the report says. The Commission recommended that the Council open formal accession negotiations. EU leaders will decide whether to back that decision at a summit in December. 

What it’s done well: Out of the seven steps Ukraine was given before EU membership talks could be opened, Kyiv has completed four: 1) legislation on a selection procedure for judges at the Constitutional Court; 2) finalization of the vetting of candidates for the High Council of Justice; 3) anti-money-laundering legislation; 4) media law. 

What it needs to do better: Ukraine has improved its track record on fighting corruption but it should still do more, including a law on staffing for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Secondly, the government decided to postpone the implementation of a law cracking down on the power of oligarchs and Ukraine should still bring in a law regulating lobbying in line with European standards, as part of an anti-oligarch action plan. Thirdly, ​​​​when it comes to minorities Ukraine should bring in a law addressing recommendations from the Venice Commission (an advisory body of the Council of Europe) in areas such as the language used by the state, media and education.

What the report said: Four months after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, both Ukraine and Moldova became candidate countries. Now, the European Commission is suggesting to open accession negotiations with Moldova based on the progress made.

What it’s done well: Reforms to strengthen democracy and rule of law, more involvement of civil society, preparing public administration reform, preparation of legal reforms, progress on the fight against corruption and organized crime. 

What it needs to do better: Stepping up the fight against anti-corruption, and “de-oligarchization,” more steps toward a comprehensive justice reform.

What the report said: The South Caucasus nation is ready to become the EU’s easternmost candidate country, the Commission is recommending, despite serious concerns over democratic backsliding and its refusal to implement sanctions against neighboring Russia.

The former Soviet republic missed out on candidate status when it was awarded to Moldova and Ukraine last June, instead being handed a list of 12 key areas in which reforms were needed. Now, officials say they will back its potential membership “on the understanding” that nine outstanding priorities are addressed. According to von der Leyen, that reflects the widespread public support in Georgia for joining the EU, which needs “to be better mirrored by the authorities.”

What it’s done well: Georgia’s commitment to enacting some of the reforms is welcome, the report says, and legislation has been put in place to protect gender equality and fight violence against women.

What it needs to do better: Georgia needs to get serious about its fight against disinformation and foreign (namely Russian) interference, tackle political polarization, ensure free and fair elections in next year’s parliamentary vote, rein in the security services, and carry out substantial judicial reforms. Georgia will also have to empower anti-corruption agencies and strengthen human rights protections. Crucially, it also has to improve on “de-oligarchization” plans — given persistent warnings about the unchecked influence of billionaire former Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili.

What the report said: In 2014, Albania was awarded candidate status by the EU, with a first conference on accession negotiations with Tirana taking place in 2022. Albania “has continued to demonstrate its determination to implement EU reforms and to make progress in reforms,” the new report says. But the ongoing accession negotiation process “now needs to translate into an acceleration of EU-related reforms.”

What it’s done well: Albania is praised by the Commission because it has maintained “its record of full alignment” with the EU’s common foreign and security policy. And Tirana has put EU-related reforms at the center of its legislative and policy planning.

What it needs to do better: However, the government “needs to refrain from measures that are not in line with EU standards.” Further efforts are also needed on freedom of expression, minority issues, and property rights, as well as in key areas of the rule of law, such as the fight against corruption and organized crime.

What the report said: The Commission proposed the start of accession talks once the country fulfills a set of priorities. Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently a candidate country but is not ready to start technical negotiations yet, as it has made little or no progress on many points. The EU executive will back the start of accession talks once the country meets 14 criteria that include democracy and rule of law. 

What it’s done well: The country improved its alignment with the EU’s foreign policy although it stopped short of imposing sanctions against Russia.

What it needs to do better: The report points out a wide range of improvements which are needed. It says recent developments, mainly in the Republika Srpska, one of the two administrative units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, “are going against the positive momentum,” pointing for example to restrictions on freedom of expression and media freedom. The report also criticizes the lack of steps to develop socio-economic reforms and the poor functioning of the judicial system. The Commission also said that “no progress was made in the fight against corruption.”

What the report said: Kosovo asked for EU membership in December 2022. The Commission’s report argues that it needs “to demonstrate more serious commitment” to normalize its relations with Serbia. “Normalization of relations is an essential condition on the European path of both parties and both risk losing important opportunities in the absence of progress,” the report says.

What it’s done well: Kosovo has made progress in a number of areas, including electoral reform, protection of human rights, managing migration and preparing a functioning market economy. 

What it needs to do better: Apart from improving its relations with Serbia, Kosovo also has work to do on public administration reform, the fight against corruption, improvement of the judicial system and improving its administrative capacity. 

What the report said: The EU opened accession negotiations with Montenegro in June 2012, but for Brussels further progress in the accession talks depends on movement on the rule of law. The report points out that progress on reforms for EU accession has “largely stalled as Montenegro suffered from deep polarisation and political instability.”

What it’s done well: There was limited progress in the area of freedom of expression, the European Commission said. Montenegro is also committed to promoting good ties with its neighbors. Its foreign policy is also in line with the EU.

What it needs to do better: The most challenging issue for Montenegro’s rule of law issues is justice reform, where no progress has been made, according to the Commission. It also needs to step up its game in the fight against corruption and organized crime.

What the report said: In its report, the European Commission applauded the reform commitment of North Macedonia. The country is currently going through the EU’s screening process, on which meetings will be held until the end of the year. The Commission said that the screening process is going “smoothly.”

What it’s done well: The European Commission report points out progress in justice, freedom and security areas, including in the fight against corruption.

What it needs to do better: However, North Macedonia still has more work to do in fighting corruption and organized crime, and in public administration reform. 

What the report said: Accession talks between Brussels and Belgrade have been going on since 2014, but Serbia’s refusal to impose sanctions on Russia and soaring tensions with Kosovo have stalled the process. Belgrade has already closed the first two chapters — known as clusters in Brussels jargon — in the accession talks, and in Wednesday’s report the Commission recommended opening a third. But the decision rests in the hands of member countries — with heavyweights such as Italy, France and Germany pushing Belgrade to take steps to improve its relations with Pristina before pressing ahead with accession talks.

What it’s done well: The report supported Serbia’s judicial reforms, and to a lesser extent, its fight against organized crime and corruption — a key priority in Belgrade’s EU accession strategy. The EU executive hailed the reform as “an important step towards strengthening the independence and accountability of the judiciary.”

What it needs to do better: Relations with Kosovo and foreign policy, and the Commission reprimanded Belgrade over its refusal to impose sanctions against Russia and its cozy relationship with China. “Serbia should urgently improve its alignment with EU common foreign and security policy,” the report said. The Commission also urged Belgrade to “demonstrate more serious commitment” in normalizing relations with Kosovo, and to cooperate in the investigation of the attack by a Serbian militia in October which heightened tensions in the region.

What the report said: Turkey has been a candidate country since 1999, but talks have been at a “standstill” since 2018, despite Ankara remaining a key partner for the EU, and there is no sign that’s set to change.

What it’s done well: Turkey has become “an important and reliable transit country” for energy reaching the EU, and is vital for Brussels on areas of common interest like migration, counterterrorism and trade.

What it needs to do better: However, under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey has “continued to move away” from the EU “mainly on account of continuing backsliding in the areas of fundamental rights and rule of law, including the independence of the judiciary, and the lack of reforms in some sectoral issues.” Tensions between the country and EU member Greece, and the standoff over Cyprus have also been highlighted as challenges.

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