January 1, 2025

Afghanistan operation

lotw #lotw

Robert, S53R, who has been active from Kabul since early September 2019 and will be there for another year, has been active as T6AA and T6A during major contests.

He is there working for the World Food Program (WFP). QSL via his home callsign or LoTW. He posted the following on QRZ.com about his low band activity:Unfortunately, I have to report that the QRM from many different sources at my QTH now makes 160m operation next to impossible. While it was already very bad during the last season, it has now gone beyond repair.

I have installed 3 different RX systems, to no avail. The last nail in the coffin was the installation of an array of large LED flood lights.The whole spectrum is affected, but 160 at the bottom and 10 & 6m at the other end, are worst off.

I will continue trying, although I’m afraid the best times for these bands, for as much as they were, are gone.


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