October 6, 2024

The Block 2023: See all the photos from inside Kristy and Brett’s house

Kristy #Kristy

They were involved in some of the more dramatic moments on The Block 2023, but Kristy and Brett still managed to pull together a beautiful home. Their house reserve sat at $2,970,000 and ended up selling for $3,035,000, earning them $65,000 in profit.

Kristy and Brett made a profit of $65,000. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Speaking to Yahoo Lifestyle after their auction Kristy had a lot to say about how their real estate agent handled the whole situation.

“Our agent s**t the bed with our game plan […] of what we went forward with,” she said. “He pretty much said what our reserved price was to everyone at the auction, which not only crawled mine but it has crawled the other two houses. He didn’t have to say what the reserves were.”

Kristy added that she felt it was “profoundly unfair” that their house’s reserve was revealed to bidders as it reveals the reserves of the smaller houses yet to go to auction.

“We came on for an experience, we came in with a game plan and a strategy,” she continued. “We are not mad for the $65,000 price, we know that is a lot of money. We are mad at the way that auction played out.”

Take a look at their full house below.

Week 12 – Front yard and facade

Their final week of The Block started off quite rocky as they did not have a landscaper, however with some advice from Kyle and Leslie’s landscaper, Troy, they managed to pull it off. The couple also had their hands full with a number of other spaces left in the house to finish, including a second living space.

The spaces were a massive hit with the judges too.

Points: 35

Judges comments:

“I love the fact you come from this little private area, it almost looks like a townhouse and then you open to this big expanse here. What a celebration of the space!” Shaynna

“Look at this facade… it’s just so lovely and linear…I love what I’m looking at here for the facade” – Darren.

“A good landscape is a balance of hard and soft, and that’s what they’ve given us here” – Dave.

“A little bit more expensive than the paint in house two, this is the next step above” – Marty on the garage floor choice.

Story continues

“Literally every generation can live comfortably in this house, and be independent from each other” – Darren.

“That is the coolest thing. This is a sitting room, it’s not interrupted by having a TV on the wall, but then you can dim everything, close everything and that is a big screen TV” – Darren on the projector.

“This is so valuable for family homes” – Marty on the extra storage room.

Kristy and Brett’s completed front yard. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett front entryway. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 11 – Backyard and pool

It was a ‘high-stress week’ for Kristy and Brett, after facing many issues with their landscaper, that resulted in a curb-side screaming match. The couple were unhappy with a lot of the choices made by the landscaper, but managed to pull a finished product together. Despite having the biggest pool on The Block this year, the judges were not a fan of the space.

Points: 28

Spend: $40,649

Judges comments:

“Yum! Look at that cladding” – Darren.

“This is the first house we get to see the original house” – Shaynna.

“For a front yard it is very rare to nail a front garden into an entertaining space” – Marty.

“Honestly, if there wasn’t a street right there, there’s no way this is a front yard. This is a backyard” – Darren.

“There is nobody overlooking this pool like in some of the other backyards” – Darren.

“I don’t know what to say, I’m actually a little bit bored” – Dave.

“It’s not really giving me anything at all… do I love these stripped pavers? No. Do I love the BBQ here? No.” – Dave.

“I hate the pebble. I’m sorry, that’s not lush. I just don’t like it” – Dave.

“That hedge there is my most hated hedge” – Shaynna.

“This doesn’t look like a fun spot to be” – Shaynna on the fire pit.

“That’s really just saying, it’s not high-end” – on the addition of the peeing dog statue.

“The longer that I stand here, the more that I’m starting to turn more and more against it” – Marty.

“They’re not buying on The Block to fix something, they’re buying a turn-key property that should be absolutely nailed to perfection and there’s massive holes” – Marty.

“A lot has let it down”- Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett backyard was not a favourite of Dave Franklin’s. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

The judges did not love this seating area around the fire pit. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 10 – Upstairs bathroom and redo week

A week of “disaster” is how Kristy and Brett described their week. The couple thought they were undertaking a small job redoing their first bathroom from week 1, but it turned out to be the complete opposite, costing them big.

Shaynna refused to even read the notes the couple left explaining why their redo room was incomplete and Darren slammed the door on it straight after opening it.

Points: 18.5

Spend: $28,603

Judges comments:

“Nope” – Darren.

“Disaster… this is not the time in the block that you want to be faced with an extra problem like this” – Neale.

“They had the labor, they had the skills, they had the knowledge not to make this mistake” – Darren.

“This isn’t a redo room, this is an undo room” – Darren.

“Don’t touch anything” – Neale on the upstairs bathroom.

“It’s very unfinished, disappointingly unfinished” – Neale.

“It is chaos, you can feel it” – Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett’s upstairs bathroom. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s disastrous redo room. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Brett described this week for the pair as “awkward”, but aside from the interpersonal drama playing out, the couple delivered some strong results in their kids’ bedrooms. The couple collaborated with Kinsman and Grafico to create some feature walls in their rooms, even including a colouring-in wall with a few recognisable faces.

Points: 27.5

Spend: $25,580

Judges comments:

“This is so sweet” – Shaynna on the first bedroom.

“The application of this [wallpaper] is so removable” – Darren.

“It’s got this sophisticated playfulness to it, it’s not overdone” – Marty.

“For someone that doesn’t liek wallpaper, I really like this” – Marty.

“I think it’s great” – Shaynna.

“It’s like i’ve just got punched in the face.” – Darren.

“I like it, I think it’s great. I just had to absorb the blow” – Darren.

The bed chosen in this room was a hit with the judges. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s second room was certainly eye-catching. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 8 – Master Ensuite

This was a week of ups and downs for Kristy and Brett. Beginning with a fight with Eliza and Liberty, the couple are facing a lot of pressure from their ever-dwindling budget.

They decided to keep their design simplistic and focus on functionality, and this definitely paid off in the eyes of the judges.

Points: 28

Spend: $31,609

Judges comments:

“Fresh… clean, crisp, contemporary” – Darren.

“Ooh la la” – Shaynna.

“Everything is just in the perfect spot, the double shower, the ledge, the toilet. This isn’t overstyled, it is just absolutely nailed” – Marty.

‘You cannot fault this layout” – Darren.

“We have a grate at the end where the fall is, where it should be” – Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett’s ensuite was a (tied) winner this week. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s ensuite. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 7 – Kitchen and Laundry

Kristy and Brett described this week as their “hell week” given how much ground they had to cover on their house, and they were proud they completed it all in the tight time frame. Their choices were a big hit with the judges, while tensions continue to bubble away with the other contestants.

Points: 28.5

Spend: $29,878

Judges comments:

“Yum, yes” – Darren on their kitchen island.

“This is so now, but will be now for quite a long time” – Shaynna.

“Look at the wine fridges…that is absolutely high-end luxury” – Shaynna.

“It is really refreshing to see an all-white kitchen… but to me everything else is fighting. The scale of those dining chairs, they’re way too big for this space” – Neale.

“This is a huge success” – Shaynna on the rooms overall this week.

Kristy and Brett’s kitchen. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s butler’s pantry. Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s laundry. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 6 – Master bedroom and walk-in robe

After last week, lighting was a big focus for Kristy and Brett, ensuring they filled the room up. The couple also spent part of their week ‘playing’ with the other couples and ‘messing’ with them, causing a fair bit of drama on The Block. But when it came down to it, their rooms were a bit hit with the judges.

Points: 27 1/2

Spend: $42,825

Judges comments:

‘So light and airy and warm and cozy… sort of gives you a big hug’ – Marty.

‘Floor plan. Perfect’ – Marty.

‘I think the basic lighting plan’s really good’ – Shaynna.

‘That shot, that is heaven. That is what you put on your marketing brochure” – Darren on their bedroom.

Kristy and Brett’s master bedroom. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s walk-in robe. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 5 – Living and Dining

The Block’s Kristy and Brett chose to only do their living room due to the configuration of their house, leaving out their dining area.

The hero this week for the judges was the fireplace, but the size of the room seemed to be a sticking point and they were relieved to hear it would be one of two living spaces in the house.

Points: 25 ½

Spend: $23,325

Judges comments:

“That plaster finish is to die for” – Darren.

“This is also probably the first lounge room that would function properly in terms of sitting and having a conversation that we’ve seen today” – Darren.

“I was thinking this is quite a small living space for a house of this size” – Neale.

“I think it’s a very basic lighting layout, all the lighting is literally sitting over the seating” – Shaynna.

“This room is crying out for a lamp” – Neale.

“They’ve got the basics, they’re all happening, but you’re attention to detail is just going to step you” – Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett’s unique fireplace was a hit with the judges. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s living room. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

It was a week of bumps in the road from The Block’s Kristy and Brett, quite literally, after Kristy hit a bollard while driving. But when it came to their downstairs bathroom, the judges really liked their choices and according to Shaynna “Kristy and Brett have found their groove.”

Week 4: Downstairs bathroom

Points: 27 ½

Spend: $33,718

Judges comments:

“This is a proper five bedroom.. this is a different league” – Marty.

“It’s glamorous and I love this beautiful sense of length and linear lines wtihout it being overwhelming” – Shaynna.

Kristy and Brett’s downstairs bathroom went down a treat with the judges. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s downstairs bathroom. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)


Week 3: Work From Home

Points: 24

Spend: $29,919

Judges comments:

“We’re at the front of the house, and we have a floor plan that’s quite unique from the other properties… I’m not too sure this is doing them any favours” – Marty.

“I think they’ve taken work from home too literal” – Shaynna.

“It’s got all the things in here that a luxury market would like, but the question remains ‘is it too corporate?'” – Darren.

“This is the right flavour, this is the right approach for this house in this market” – Darren.

Kristy and Brett’s work from home space. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

The choices in this room left the judges a little unsure given the house’s floor plan. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Click here to see our full coverage of The Block 2023. (Love The Block? Don’t miss our exclusive coverage and interviews)

Week 2: Guest Bedroom

Points: 21

Spend: $17,647

Judges comments:

“This is New York loft, zero connection to what’s downstairs… I feel like the layout isn’t making he most of this feel” – Shaynna.

“Where’s the couch, where’s the TV” – Marty.

“It could have a convection oven in here, microwave oven… you can still fully live in here without having to go into the main house” – Darren.

The judges felt they could’ve added a lot more in the way of features to this room. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s guest bedroom. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Week 1: Guest Bathroom

Points: 21

Spend: $17,541

Judges comments:

“It’s a little day spa-ry” – Marty

“That shower screen takes away from that day spa feel… makes it look small” – Shaynna.

“We have had very strong feelings in the previous two bathrooms, we’ve walked in here I don’t know how I feel” – Marty.

“I think they need to get really clear on what direction they’re trying to achieve” – Darren.

The judges were a bit unsure of how to feel about this room. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

Kristy and Brett’s guest bathroom. Credit: Channel Nine (Channel Nine)

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