September 20, 2024

Letters: Trudeau home heating policy latest attempt to ignore the West

Trudeau #Trudeau

When I think of previous coverage by CBC investigative reporter Geoff Leo on Pretendians (a term, I myself use), his work is usually focused and researched well. The latest article on Buffy is well-researched. well but I find myself asking: Where the public interest is?

I am a former CBC reporter, and I know he has done his due diligence. However, something from this piece is missing. Has Buffy benefited in the same ways as Mary Ellen Turpel Lafond or Carrie Bourassa? I see the reporting and ask myself: How much money earmarked for Indians has gone to Buffy?

Is it measurable like grant money or scholarships? That wasn’t answered by Leo’s reporting. Instead, it seems the CBC had contributed time and money to fly out their reporters to the United States and didn’t want that to go to waste.

Buffy is claimed. She is considered family by some. Leo’s reporting does nothing to change that.

CBC editor-in-chief Brodie Fenlon lays out the criteria for investigating these stories and the public interest in his editor’s note. But Fenlon also lays out criteria that could result in any Indian with a bit of fame having their identity questioned by the CBC. 

Creeden Martell, Saskatoon

Moe flag flap myopic

Once again, Premier Moe and the Saskatchewan Party government confirmed their myopic view of what’s important in our education system.

Concerned about the public opposition it riled up to their “pronoun legislation“ that will negatively affect our schools, Moe’s government has now focus their attention on the shiny object of Saskatchewan flags in schools.

This government is hoping voters forget the truly important education issues of classrooms overcrowding, school buildings crumbling and teachers being pushed to their limits and burning out because of government inaction.

As a lifelong resident of Saskatchewan, I feel that it will take more than raising a flag to instil waning pride in our province. It will take a government that quits pandering to the far-right fringe voters and starts dealing with concrete issues.

Elaine Arnusch, Regina

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