October 5, 2024

Mixed opinions shared on Market Street Park resuming operating hours

Opinions #Opinions

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – People on both sides of the issue shared their opinions at Monday night’s City Council meeting on Charlottesville’s decision to reinstate the curfew at Market Street Park, effective this Saturday, October 21st. That means the unhoused community that’s been calling the park home will no longer be allowed to stay there overnight.

City Manager Sam Sanders says all the parks in the city have a closing time and outside of the current temporary change, Market Street Park is no different.

“At 11pm, Market Street Park will be closed until 6am. There should be no one in the park,” said Sanders. “It is my hope that everyone currently in the park will take advantage of the alternatives available to them.”

This is the same day PACEM will be opening opens its doors earlier than usual to provide a bed for those who need one.

The city has allowed people to remain in the park overnight since September 21st.

How the reinstated hours will be enforced was a topic of discussion at City Council.

“You think all those people are going to politely walk out of the park at 11pm Saturday night?,” said Richard Parks, “I think you are mistaken.”

Some who spoke expressed gratitude for the decision.

“I’m thrilled that the new closing hours are going to be reenacted,” said Michael Goodwin.

And some argued that the unhoused still need the park.

“To take this sustainability away from them is absolutely terrible,” said Destiny Moore.

Roscoe Boxley was arrested in the park after refusing to leave before the hours were lifted. Monday night, he told council what the city really needs now is for people to work together.

“The differences and opinions without compromise is what’s fogging everyone with what a solution is,” said Roscoe Boxley.

Also at Monday night’s meeting, council announced that the virtual public comment option at council meetings will no longer be available. From now on, if you want to share your opinion, you must attend a meeting in person.

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