October 7, 2024

Former Six-Term Democratic Congresswoman Tweets Support For Anti-Semitic Livestream: ‘I Know Where I’ll Be!’

David Duke #DavidDuke

(CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

Former six-term Democratic Rep. and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney promoted an anti-Semitic livestream on Monday featuring former KKK grand wizard David Duke and Black nationalist Ayo Kimathi.

“I know where I’ll be and what I’ll be watching at 6:00 pm EASTERN time today!” McKinney posted and pinned to her X account. The tweet included a program poster that read, “Can Black People and White People Work Together To Defeat Our Common Enemy?” The title appeared above a Star of David and the words “Jews are the problem.”

McKinney represented Georgia in Congress as a Democrat from 1993 to 2007.

As of this writing, a note on the tweet reads, “Visibility limited: this Post may violate X’s rules against Hateful Conduct.”

The livestream is run by Kimathi and Dave Gahary, who’s flagged by the Anti-Defamation League for his efforts to promote anti-Jewish extremism.

According to the ADL, “McKinney has a history of using anti-Israel rhetoric, including accusing the pro-Israel lobby of sabotaging her political career and alleging that Israel of committing genocide, apartheid and war crimes. She has repeatedly condemned U.S. support for Israel.” McKinney has also supported anti-semitic groups like the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party, according to the ADL.

In 2002, McKinney pushed the conspiracy theory that Zionists were responsible for the 9/11 hijackings, and that then-President George W. Bush had foreknowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and over Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

As of 2021, Georgia legislators were working to rename the The Cynthia McKinney Parkway that runs through DeKalb, County in response to her anti-Zionism.

According to her bio, McKinney received her doctorate from the University of California at Berkley and is currently a professor of political science at North South University in Bangladesh.

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