September 23, 2024

Drake: For All the Dogs review — one man’s boring whine about women

For All The Dogs #ForAllTheDogs

★★☆☆☆After dipping a toe into dance music in 2022 with his album Honestly, Nevermind, then cementing his rap credentials later that year by making Her Loss with 21 Savage, Drake has returned to doing what he does best: moaning about girlfriends.

“You say I could have treated you better, but . . . I don’t know. I think I did all right,” he says with passive-aggressive self-congratulation on Virginia Beach, opening a 23-track album that marks out Drake’s unique position in the upper echelons of hip-hop. He is the superstar who, despite being at the top of his game, cannot stop himself from complaining all the time.

Drake is a seriously good rapper, with an ability to incorporate sweet melody into an

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