September 20, 2024

Liz Truss takes brutal swipe at BBC in Brexit rallying cry after Mark Carney’s smug attack

Liz Truss #LizTruss

Liz Truss used a keynote speech this morning to slam everyone from the BBC and the EU, to fellow Tory MPs and the Bank of England.

The numerous side-swipes came in a speech used to defend her time in No. 10 and analyse what went wrong, as well as explain why she still believes her brand of free market economics is necessary to stop the decline of Western economies.

The shortest-lived PM in British History returned fire on the former Bank of England governor Mark Carney, who yesterday criticised Ms Truss as wanting to create “Singapore on Thames” but instead turned Britain into “Argentina on the Channel”.

Ms Truss accused Mr Carney of being part of the “25-year economic consensus” that has led to stagnant growth and living standards in Britain and among its western allies.

She said: “I talked about the 25-year economic consensus, well part of that has been the central banks, and I do think they have played an important role in pumping the system full of money, keeping interest rates artificially low and essentially enabling this excessive government spending to take place.

“I’m afraid there’s quite a lot of finger-pointing going on from people like Mark Carney because they don’t want to admit their culpability or the culpability of their central banking associates in this.”

She concluded that Mr Carney is “no doubt defensive” about his establishment’s record of economic failure.

Ms Truss tied her attack to a similar blast at the BBC and fellow media organisations who fail to hold senior figures in important institutes like the Bank of England to account, in the same way they do politicians.

Responding to a question from BBC Newsnight’s Faisal Islam, Ms Truss blasted his employer for doing a poor job.

She told Mr Islam: “I don’t think organisations like the BBC did a brilliant job of actually analysing the [pensions fund] crisis and what happened there.

“I don’t think there was an effective critique of the Bank of England. It goes back to this point about institutions and politicians ending up having all of the responsibility but not necessarily the power.

“I don’t think the media – who absolutely love gossip about politics – are particularly great at analysing the role of institutions and what they do.

“You notice whenever there’s an official from one of these organisations, they get a much easier ride in a BBC interview than a politician would!”

Ms Truss also used her speech to demand the Government delay the Net Zero by 2050 target and scrap other green goals that threaten to make the cost of living crisis worse.

She included the ban on new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 as an example of eco laws the government should abandon.

She also warned the Government must fully diverge from EU standards, not only to fix the economy but to secure Brexit in the wake of the Labour threat to take Britain closer to Brussels’ orbit.

“We should diverge properly from the EU, so we can increase competitiveness in areas like financial services”.

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