October 7, 2024

Tucker Fully Expects the United States to Be in a Hot War Within the Next Year

Tucker #Tucker

Tucker Carlson believes that the United States will be in a “hot war” with Russia within the next year.

The former Fox News host said during an interview on “The Adam Carolla Show” last week that President Joe Biden and those in his administration will do anything to win a second term in 2024, including going to war.

Carlson predicted the U.S. will be in the throes of an intense recession next year, making Biden’s re-election chances doubtful, despite the indictment of his chief rival for the White House — former President Donald Trump — multiple times.

“If your goal is to maintain power … once you start indicting your political opponents, you know that you have to win or else they’re going to indict you if they win, right?” Carlson said on the podcast. “So, they can’t lose. They will do anything to win. So how do they do that?

“They’re not going to do COVID again. I know everyone on the right’s afraid they’re going to do COVID and mask mandates. They’re not going to do that. They can’t do that. They’ve already been exposed — that won’t work.”

So what does that leave, Carlson asked and then answered: war with Russia.

“There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in the next year … I don’t think we’ll win it, but that’s a separate analysis,” he said.

“You should be worried about the prospect of an open war,” the former Fox News host said. “We’re already at war with Russia, of course. We’re funding their enemies. So we’re fighting Russia. But I mean an open battle with Russia, where we say, ‘We’re at war with Russia.’”

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Carlson suggested the hot war could happen with a Gulf of Tonkin-like incident, referring to the justification then-President Lyndon Johnson used for the U.S. going directly to war with North Vietnam beginning in 1964.

“I think that could easily happen,” he said. “I think we could Tonkin Gulf our way into it where all of the sudden missiles land in Poland. ‘The Russians did it. Our NATO ally has been attacked. We’re going to war.’”

Documents declassified from the era show the intelligence community distorted the facts of what led up to the clash between North Vietnamese patrol torpedo boats and a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin off the Vietnamese coast, according to the U.S. Naval Institute.

Prior to the incident, the U.S. had provided military aid and advisers to the South Vietnamese government, much as it provides only war supplies and advisers to Ukraine now.

Carlson argued that if Biden entered into war with Russia, the president could assume war powers to greatly enhance the power of the federal government.

“I would bet my house on it: We are going to war with Russia,” he said, noting that it could be catastrophic for the world since the U.S. and Russia have the two largest nuclear weapon arsenals.

To avoid that, he said, the United States will have to “force a peace” between Russia and Ukraine.

“We are the only power in the world that can bring both sides to the table,” Carlson said.

It’s not clear what war powers he thinks Biden would assume that would keep him as president, unless the Democrat would be counting on a “rally to the flag” effect to get him re-elected.

Elections were held in both in 1864 during the Civil War and in 1944 during World War II.

Of course, the incumbent presidents — Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt — won re-election.

Carlson offers an interesting theory, but it seems more likely Biden would take the “break the glass” option and pardon himself, his son Hunter Biden and any others in his administration to avoid facing indictments should defeat come in 2024.

We’ll see.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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2024 Election, American history, Biden administration, Joe Biden, nuclear weapons, politics, Russia, Tucker Carlson, U.S. News, Ukraine, video, Vietnam War, war

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