October 6, 2024

I’ll buy what Mary Earps is selling

Mary Earps #MaryEarps

It has already been hailed as a seminal moment in footballing equality. Saving the penalty that would have sent Spain two-nil up against England’s Lionesses, a puffed up Mary Earps let rip, shouting “f*** off” at the top of her voice and shooting a look of venomous determination at her opponents.

In the south London pub, where I was watching the World Cup final, surrounded by men, women and families in England shirts, you’d have thought we had scored an injury time winner, such was the noisy appreciation. “Go on Mary!” someone shouted as others banged the wooden tables and jumped out of their seats.

All I could think was: I’ll have what she’s having. And what’s more, I’ll buy whatever she’s selling.

Forget social

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