A Feel Good Friday surprise for a woman who has honored the gravestones of veterans for years
Good Friday #GoodFriday

EastIdahoNews.com and Ashley in Idaho Falls and Pocatello are partnering to honor people in our community for Feel Good Friday. Every week, we surprise someone deserving of special recognition.
We recently received an email about a woman named Trish. It said:
Trish has put out American flags at (I believe all of) the Madison County cemeteries for all of the veteran’s graves for YEARS. She used to do it with her kid’s help, now she uses her grandkids. I love seeing all the veteran graves marked by flags. I work at the Sutton Cemetery in Archer and watched her picking up her flags and thought to myself that she deserves to be recognized for her service. I don’t know how many years she has done it, but I would imagine it’s 30+. And there must be hundreds of veteran graves at each cemetery. Also, Trish plays bagpipes and I believe she plays them for some of the Memorial Day events in the area.
We decided to surprise Trish and thank her for all she’s done over the years. Watch the video in the player above!