October 6, 2024

Everyone Seems To Think Trump Is Totally Screwed Because His Former Top Stooge Mark Meadows Has Ratted On Him To Prosecutors

Mark Meadows #MarkMeadows

In news that should have Donald Trump shaking in his ill-fitting suits, former chief of staff Mark Meadows is reportedly cooperating with a special counsel investigation that could land the ex-president behind bars.

After Trump’s legal team spent weeks worrying where the hell Meadows was after the MAGA insider went dark, CNN is now claiming he’s testified before a grand jury convened by special counsel, Jack Smith. This latest federal probe is intended to uncover any illegal behavior from Trump during the Jan. 6th insurrection and after, when he ferried classified documents to his Mar-a-Lago residence. As his then-right-hand-man, Meadows had unparalleled access to the former president during that time which means, if he’s decided to squeal, Trump should be worried.

“We have a statement from his lawyer which will make the hairs on the neck of Donald Trump’s team stand, frankly, because it’s very ominous,” CNN correspondent Evan Perez said. “He doesn’t confirm that Mark Meadows has testified in front of the grand jury, but he says this: ‘Mark Meadows has maintained a commitment to tell the truth where he has a legal obligation to do so.’ Again, if you’re the Trump team… it doesn’t sound very good to them.”

Meadows was instrumental in Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and he was in the room with Trump as the Jan. 6th attacks took place, when the president refused to condemn the MAGA mob. So yeah, he’s seen some things. Enough things in fact to earn a tweet from Fox News old-timer Bill O’Reilly, warning Trump fans that their MAGA mascot might be enjoying his fish filet sandwiches from a prison cell in the future.

(Via RawStory)

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