October 7, 2024

Tucker Carlson Slams “Coordinated” Media Attack On Putin

Tucker #Tucker

Tucker Carlson evidently kept the blue blazer pressed as he planned his return to the national conversation, this time offering his end of the dialog not on Fox News but on the Musk Channel — otherwise known as Twitter.

The much ballyhooed deal between the billionaire Elon Musk and Carlson came to life on June 6 — at an hour slightly earlier than Carlson’s old 8 pm spot at Fox.

Episode 1 of Tucker on Twitter featured a show almost indistinguishable in style from his Fox performances. Swinging big out of the gate, Carlson contends that the American mainstream media has jumped to conclusions about the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, blaming the Russians and Russian President Vladimir Putin because they believe “Putin is evil.”

Carlson posits that “once the facts start coming in, it becomes less of a mystery what might have happened to the dam. Any fair person would conclude that the Ukrainians probably blew it up.”

Carlson says that while the dam was important to Ukraine its destruction “hurts Russia more.” Blaming the Ukrainians, Carlson says reasons that “it’s not like Vladimir Putin is anxious to wage war on himself.”

Carlson then says that Americans have been misled about this by their media, saying the “rest of the pundit class made similar, clearly coordinated noises: ‘Putin did it, Putin did it.’”

Carlson says the media won’t blame Ukraine because the Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenksy is “too decent for terrorism” in their estimation. Carlson instead calls the Ukraine president “sweaty and rat-like, a persecutor of Christians, a friend of BlackRock.”

Below, Zelensky makes a different case.

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