Joker Admitted the 1 Robin He Hates Most (& It’s Not Jason Todd)
Joker #Joker
The Joker has been a thorn in Batman’s side for years and that antagonistic relationship has extended to Batman’s many Robins, but it turns out that Joker only really hates one Robin, and surprisingly, it’s not the one he killed.
The relationship between Joker and Batman is more complex than just complete hatred, especially on Batman’s side, considering Batman basically admitted he loves the Joker. So while Batman and Joker don’t necessarily hate each other, there is someone in the Bat-Family that Joker absolutely despises, and it’s none other than the boy-wonder Robin. But the shocking thing is that it’s not the Robin people would expect, it’s not Jason Todd.
Joker Admits That He Hates Tim Drake © Provided by ScreenRant Joker Admits He Hates Tim
The entirety of 2001’s Robin #85 by Chuck Dixon, Pete Woods, Jesse Delperdang, and Noelle Giddings, takes place in Arkham Asylum with Joker talking about his history with Batman, and specifically Robin. Joker reveals some very interesting ideas during this therapy session, such as the fact that Joker believes he’s killed Batman. But the most fascinating stuff comes when Joker begins talking about Robin. Joker mentions that he was kind of neutral on Dick Grayson’s Robin, and even noticed when he disappeared, wondering what happened to the Boy Wonder. Joker also brings up the fact he knows there has been more than one Robin. The one he hates most isn’t Jason Todd, the Robin he murdered in cold blood; it’s actually Tim Drake.
Joker admits that he actually rather liked Jason. He says he enjoyed how “street” and “edgy” Jason Todd was, and the only reason Joker killed Jason was because with Jason there, everything was “as it should be” and as an agent of chaos, Joker couldn’t let that stay. On the other hand, Joker states several times that he hates Tim Drake. Joker commits crimes to personally mess with and hurt Batman. That’s the entire reason Joker wants to hurt people: just to get to the Dark Knight. But one of Tim’s greatest abilities is his detective skills. Above any other Robin, Tim is a fantastic detective and has been able to use these detective skills to solve Joker’s crimes without the aid of Batman. This completely defeats the purpose of why Joker commits crimes, which is to get at and interact with Batman directly. Joker even goes on to say that not only does he personally hate Tim more than Jason’s Robin, but all of Batman’s villains aren’t fond of Tim due to his penchant to solve their crimes so quickly.
Joker Admits He Actually Liked Jason Todd © Provided by ScreenRant Joker Admits He Likes Jason
Joker has been torturing the Bat-Family for decades at this point, which might have led some fans to believe Joker hates them, especially considering Joker beat Jason Todd to death with a crowbar. But it turns out this isn’t exactly true. Joker was somewhat fond of Dick Grayson’s Robin, and even openly admits that he liked Jason Todd as Robin. The only Robin to really draw Joker’s ire was none other than Tim Drake.