Soledad O’Brien sparks outrage over ‘Karen’ comments, Internet calls her ‘low-class piece of garbage’
Soledad #Soledad

Soledad O’ Brien was slammed for being ‘condescending’ to Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean for her comments on Dr Fauci and Covid-19 deaths in New York
Soledad O’Brien (JC Olivera/Getty Images)
Journalist Soledad O’Brien is facing a lot of heat on Twitter for calling other women “Karen”, a term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman who is considered entitled or demanding. Soledad O’ Brien was slammed for being “condescending” to Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean for her comments on Dr Fauci and Covid-19 deaths in New York. This sparked outrage on Twitter, with many eminent journalists chipping in with their opinions.
Dr Fauci had tweeted, “We have got to do the things… that we need to do to turn this around… When you do it properly, you bring down those cases… We have done it in New York. New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.” Janice Dean quoted his tweet and wrote, “This is garbage.” Soledad sarcastically replied, “Meteorologist weighs in.” To which Janice Dean responded, “30 thousand deaths in New York. Over 6 thousand Covid-19 patients shoved into nursing homes killing over 6,000 elderly. I’d say New York didn’t do the greatest job. Thanks for getting my title right, though.”
Washington editor Amber Athey tweeted to Soledad, “So what, you’re better than her? Elitist crap.” Soledad’s response to this was, “Lordy, all these Karens @-ing me. Go yell at your neighbor, lady.” Legal advisor to President Trump, Jenna Ellis, responded, “Says the college drop out who finally graduated with a degree in English and American literature.” Soledad hit back, “Karen—you went to Liberty U? Lol. Really. Shush. Keep advising Trump and don’t share your stupidity with us.”
And that’s when the furore began. The managing editor of News Busters, Curtis Hock, slammed Soledad in a tweet for “mocking” families who had lost their loved ones. “If someone mocked Soledad for having deceased family members and loved ones, they would rightly be called out because it’s ghoulish. But because she did it to @JaniceDean, it’s okay. If Soledad were a Fox News host mocking dead families of a CNN host, the media would explode.”
While many expressed outrage over Soledad’s statement, others slammed Ellis for being “elitist” as well. “Oh Soledad, you’re not pretty enough or smart enough to be a mean girl. Stick to shilling bullsh*t news stories,” one user wrote. There were some who defended Soledad as well. “Imagine going to law school only to end up working for the Trump campaign. I would say that you should have a seat, Jenna, and watch Soledad’s career. Yours seems to have tanked,” wrote another.
Nevertheless, the rest of Twitter continued to slam her. “Soledad is no reporter as evidenced by her Twitter timeline. She is a hyper-partisan leftist activist,” one wrote.
“I think Soledad sounds like an extremely hostile person. It’s so bizarre. Janice has just as much of a right to an opinion as anyone else, if not more, given her particular circumstances. In fact, I’d say it makes Soledad look even nastier for saying something that callous,” tweeted one. “Soulless Soledad O’Brien…once again projecting her immense self-hatred upon the wider world,” wrote one.
“Dear Soledad you are the Karen! Full of hate and resentment!” one user tweeted. “Soledad O’Brien is a low class piece of garbage… That much has been obvious for a while now, but this is pretty bad even for her. To taunt someone who is still morning their dead is just gross,” tweeted a user.
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