September 20, 2024

Derren Brown: The Showman has audience in tears with emotional trick

Derren Brown #DerrenBrown

CHANNEL 4 show Derren Brown: The Showman left its audience in tears both in the crowd and watching at home. 

Derren, 52, is known for his insane mind-bending trickery and once again he left viewers speechless with his latest show but not in the way you would expect.

Derren was choked up as he read out the reasons why a dad loves his son


Derren was choked up as he read out the reasons why a dad loves his son There wasn't a dry eye in the house as Derren did a trick with a teddy


There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Derren did a trick with a teddy

For one of his tricks Derren asked for a father and son in the crowd to make themselves known, specifically a dad with a young son. 

Mushy, 13, and his dad Etie, stood up and Derren launched into the start of the act by asking them to name a large cuddly toy bear on the stage. 

Deciding on the name Robinson, Mushy’s dad was then tasked with writing down three things he loves most about his son and putting it in an envelope. 

After doing that and going down to the stage, Derren asked Mushy to choose a different coloured balloon to burst in the hope of winning Robinson the bear. 

After various back and forth, Mushy ended up losing but thanks to some booing in the crowd Derren decided to give him the cuddly toy. 

However, first he offered him the choice of either getting the note listing the three things his dad loves best about him or the bear. 

Of course Mushy chose the note from his dad, which was the correct answer, so Derren gave him both. 

Etie then read out his note that said he loved how kind Mushy is to his brother, that he’s an incredible artist and that he’s super funny. 

Just as Etie was about to leave the stage with the teddy, Derren pulled off a sticker on the bear, which read: “I want to live with a kid who… is always kind to his brother, is incredibly funny and an amazing artist! Please give me cuddles, Love, Robinson the Bear.”

Audible gasps and clapping was heard in the audience and as the camera panned round it was clear the trick had left some in tears.

Viewers at home were also upset, with many taking to Twitter to share how emotional they had found the act.

One person wrote: “I’m in bits, I didn’t expect it to be so emotional.”

“Never expected to be tearing up watching a #derrenbrown show but #showman has some beautiful moments in it,” added another viewer.

Someone else asked: “Am I the only one sobbing watching this?”

“Didn’t expect Derren Brown to make me cry. Awe. mushy and #Robinson the Teddy. Brilliant,” [sic] penned another viewer.

Derren Brown: The Showman is available to watch on All4

Mushy got a teddy out of the show and named it Robinson


Mushy got a teddy out of the show and named it Robinson Derren revealed that Robinson the bear had been made just for Mushy


Derren revealed that Robinson the bear had been made just for Mushy The audience were sobbing at the climax of the trick


The audience were sobbing at the climax of the trick

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