October 5, 2024

Fox News Cuts Away From Donald Trump Campaign Press Conference, As Neil Cavuto Says They Lack Proof Of Electoral Fraud

Cavuto #Cavuto

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto cut off a Trump campaign press conference in which Kayleigh McEnany alleged “illegal voting” and fraud but did not offer proof to back it up.

Trump’s team has been making claims that the election is being stolen from him, but it is part of an effort to sow doubt about the results, even though networks have projected Joe Biden the winner and he is likely to win the electoral and popular vote by substantial margins.

McEnany is the White House Press Secretary, a government paid position, but she has been appearing as a spokesperson for the campaign as well.

“We want every legal vote to be counted, and we want every illegal vote to be…”

Cavuto then cut in. “Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this,” he said.

That’s an explosive charge to make, that the other side is effectively rigging and cheating. If she does bring proof of that we will take you back.”

Trump has claimed that the election is being stolen from him, but has offered no evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities that would impact the final result. While the results are not official until the races are certified, in 2016, on election night, his opponent Hillary Clinton conceded. Trump has not, even though he trails Biden by even larger margins in key swing states than Clinton did.

Fox News’ cutaway was a contrast to the rhetoric from Lou Dobbs, the Fox Business host, who said on Monday, “The radical Dems are also working with the corporate-owned left-wing national media, doing their very best to nullify the votes of 71 million Trump voters. And let’s be very direct, many are trying to steal this election from President Trump. There is no doubt about it. The only doubt is the extent of it.”

Story continues

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