September 21, 2024

‘Keep Rocking it’: Canadian MP Gives a Shoutout to All ‘Witches’ in Her Unique Halloween Tribute

Canadian House of Commons #CanadianHouseofCommons

a young boy wearing a suit and tie: 'Keep Rocking it': Canadian MP Gives a Shoutout to All 'Witches' in Her Unique Halloween Tribute © Provided by News18 ‘Keep Rocking it’: Canadian MP Gives a Shoutout to All ‘Witches’ in Her Unique Halloween Tribute

Calgary Nosehill MP Michelle Rempel Garner marked this year’s Halloween with a unique tribute to the women of the past and present. The Canadian politician, in an effort to pay her respects to those women who were labelled ‘witches’ and killed throughout centuries, wished the Parliament on the occasion of Halloween in a unique and riveting speech.

The Conservatives’ health critic said in a much applauded speech, “Throughout the course of history, women have been burned at the stake and tortured for being witches,” Rempel Garner said. “In reality they were herbalists, midwives or just too independent for the patriarchy’s liking.”

The rules of the House of Commons, the lower chamber of the Parliament of Canada regulates that the MPs may use one minute to speak on whatever they want. Rempel Garner took on the opportune minute to make an impactful statement and also since the weekend coincided with Halloween.

Rempel Garner also reportedly mentioned independent MP Jody Wilson-Raybould, who was booted out of the Liberal Party by Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for mentioning publicly about how Trudeau tried to pressure her to cut a deal with Quebec company SNC Lavalin.

“Today we might not literally burn women at the stake, but we still don’t believe them when they’re abused, we still punish them when they speak truth to power,” Rempel Garner said.

Rempel Garner also went on to share the tribute on her Twitter as well, and told ‘witches to keep rocking it’.

The speech was timed with Halloween and also with Samhain, a traditional festival marking the end of the harvest and beginning of the dark winter. Samhain is a Gaelic festival and is traditionally observed starting on Halloween night and stays on November 1. Samhain is also marked annually by neo-pagans and wiccans as holiday.

Many praised Rempel Garner for her snazzy tribute to women in the House and thanked her for speaking on such an important issue.

This Halloween was extra special because it was the first full moon visible across North America on Halloween in 76 years. It’s also a rare Halloween “Blue Moon,” meaning the second full moon of the month.

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