October 6, 2024

Shame on those who pushed Fetterman to the Senate

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Just six weeks after he was sworn in to the Senate, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) was hospitalized for a second time — this time, his campaign said, for clinical depression.

“While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks,” said Fetterman’s chief of staff, Adam Jentleson.


Everyone across the political spectrum ought to keep Fetterman, who suffered a life-threatening stroke just nine months ago, in their prayers. But absolutely nobody in politics — especially those friends, family members, and partisan hacks who pushed Fetterman out of recovery and into Congress — should act as if Fetterman’s decline is any surprise.

Here’s a quick refresher of how Pennsylvania Democrats and Fetterman’s wife Gisele so cleverly conned a stroke victim’s way into being hospitalized for depression.

Fetterman had his stroke in May. He didn’t make a campaign appearance until August, and then, he didn’t give an in-person interview until October.

When Dasha Burns accurately reported on Fetterman’s evident cognitive dysfunction, the press piled on the NBC News reporter. Gisele — since her husband’s stroke, inexplicably the face of the campaign — demanded that the journalist issue “an apology towards the disability community from her and from her network for the damage they have caused.”

Now-Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) and liberal cry-bullies in the press carried Fetterman over the finish line, even after he stammered and stumbled his way through a debate performance that Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) conceded “was hard to watch.”

In the process of securing Biden a 51st vote in the Senate and Gisele a series of glowing magazine features, Fetterman’s friends and family sacrificed the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of Fetterman, the man. For stroke victims, the immediate aftermath of the incident is the most important time for recovery. If you skimp on the rest and therapy required, then the known consequences — including devastating, critical depression — will obviously follow. Even Fetterman’s chief of staff conceded that this Faustian bargain had been struck.

“What you’re supposed to do to recover from [a stroke] is do as little as possible,” Jentleson told the New York Times, explaining that the Pennsylvania Democrat “was forced to do as much as possible — he had to get back to the campaign trail. It’s hard to claw that back.”

God willing, this latest event is a wake-up call for Fetterman’s loved ones. But considering their behavior thus far, it’s questionable how much they love him in return.



Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, John Fetterman

Original Author: Tiana Lowe

Original Location: Shame on those who pushed Fetterman to the Senate

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