September 20, 2024

KC Navarro Discusses WWE Tryout Rumors, Kylie Rae’s Main Event Match, Warrior Title Defense Against Buddy Matthews, & More! – Exclusive

Matthews #Matthews

The other thing that I read recently is, I guess in December, were you down at the Performance Center doing some kind of tryout for WWE?

I don’t know. I think they’re all just rumors. I don’t know what everybody’s talking about.

Well, I had read that it was you, it was Kylie Rae, it was Dutch, it was Vincent. Does any of this ring a bell to you?

I don’t know, man. I hit my head a lot, so I’m not too sure.

Okay. All right. So no comment on that. Because shortly after that, I will say, somebody who’s going to be at Warrior Wrestling, Kylie Rae, got to do a TV match on WWE.

I did see that.

You did see that? Oh, that’s fun.

I did see that.

Okay. What did you think about Kylie getting that opportunity and if she was a part of the… I mean, I don’t know if she was at the tryout. Again, your head’s real fuzzy.


But what do you think about Kylie here getting that kind of opportunity right now?

I think Kylie’s a great person, phenomenal athlete. I think that’s no secret. She is the heart and soul of Chicago wrestling, if you really think about it, especially for women’s wrestling. I think it’s time for Kylie to be at the big time now, and I think she’s going to prove that come this Saturday. I feel like she had an awesome showing on the “Main Event” show, and I think she’s going to do the same thing this Saturday.

Yeah, she’s consistent, for sure. And so from your vantage though, what do you think… Because it’s a really weird time with WWE right now. Everything’s very in flux. What do you think WWE is looking for right now at the moment in new talent?

I think they’re looking for the “it” factor, the one in the million. I’ve heard Triple H say that before in interviews that he’s done. And I think they’re just looking for stars. I think they’re looking for new talent, young talent. And I can’t really speak much on it because I don’t work there. I’m not in Triple H’s head. If Vince comes back, I’m not in Vince’s head. So I don’t know what they’re truly looking for. But from what I’ve gathered from people and from interviews with Triple H, that’s kind of what I’ve gotten.

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