January 6, 2025

Around the Districts: Ballymore-Mayglass to Bree-Galbally

Ballymore #Ballymore


peration Transformation – walk nights

This year St.Fintans GAA Club will be participating in the very popular ‘Ireland Lights Up’ initiative in partnership with RTE’s Operation Transformation, Get Ireland Walking and the Irish Life “My Life” app.

Starting Thursday 12th January, we will meet two nights a week, Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm as a community to walk and talk in a safe environment during the dark winter evenings. We will have a sign in each night and hope to have a couple of surprise guests over the weeks to give some tips and encouragement.

The organised walk nights will run right up to the conclusion of Operation Transformation on March 1st. So come along on the 12th and let’s all get more active and healthier together.

St Fintans Euro Millions Syndicate

On Christmas week, St.Fintans GAA Club held a Christmas bonus draw for their Euro Millions syndicate members.

The winners were as follows: 1st prize €150 Jamie Dunphy; 2nd prize €100 Shane Sinders Sinnott; 3rd prize €100 Mary Furlong; 4th prize €50 Killian Byrne; 5th prize €50 Paul Goldsmith; 6th prize €50 Terence Crosbie; 7th prize free entry to Syndicate 2023 John Burke; 8th prize free entry to Syndicate 2023 Jessica Howlin.

Many thanks to all syndicate members for their continued support. The big win hasn’t come yet but perhaps 2023 will be our year. The last draw for the current syndicate is the 27th January. To date Winnings for 2022 have amounted to €140 which the club will use to extend the current membership to the 3rd of March.

The new syndicate for 52 weeks will commence on the 7th March with membership remaining at €30. Members can renew for 2023 by making a revolut or alternative payment to Club Secretary Sharon or Club treasurer Liz or by making contact with their syndicate contact from last year.

Coffee mornings

All Blacks AFC will host 2 coffee mornings on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th January at 11am in Big Seans Cafe, Casey Park. All proceeds will go to the Dawn Ward treatment fund. All support welcome.

Ballycogley Hall

Eileen Rowe’s chair yoga class for the over 50’s has recommenced in Ballycogley Hall after the Christmas break and the session will take place each Tuesday at 11am. All welcome.

Mayglass National School

Mayglass National School is now enrolling for the academic year 2023/2024. Our enrolment forms are available on our website mayglassns.weebly.com or by contacting us on our email address st.fintans.mayglass@gmail.com or they can be posted straight to you. The forms can be sent back to the school via our email address or by post. Our breakfast club and afterschool are available Monday to Friday.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or on 053-9135279 or our mobile number 086 8392775. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our school.

Drive in Bingo

The St Fintans GAA club held its first Sunday afternoon bingo session of the New Year on Sunday last at 2.30pm. The jackpot now stans at €1,800 . The club would like to thank all our loyal supporters for their continued support and wish you all a very Happy and safe New Year.

Club Lotto

St Fintans GAA club in association with St Marys Rosslare held its first lotto fundraiser of the New Year on Tuesday night last. The jackpot now stands at E6550. The club wishes to thank you for your generous support and to wish you a Happy and safe New Year.


Deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Tom O Leary Bridgetown who sadly died during the past week and his remains were laid to rest in Kilmore cemetery following his funeral mass in Mulrankin . May he rest in peace.


The inter county senior football season got under way on Wednesday evening last when Wexford took on Kildare in the O Byrne cup in a game played in St Patricks park Enniscorthy. The St Fintans GAA club was represented by Jim Rossitter.

St Fintans Ladies

The St Fintans LGFA AGM will be held on Friday January 20th at 7.30pm in the clubhouse Ballymore. All new members welcome, anybody willing to help out in any way please come along. For any inquires please contact Walter Kelly 086 2316807 or Niamh Devereux 087 1528883.


If you wish to have any items included in the notices for Ballymore/Mayglass you may do so by email at conzarcat@hotmail.com or by contacting Paddy at 087 96804019. Deadline for submitting notices is 5pm on the Sunday prior to the date of publication.


5k Fun Run/Walk

The annual Ballymurn 5k Fun Run/Walk will take place on Sunday, January 29. This amazing and uplifting event is organised each year by Bobby and Mag Redmond, in aid of both our school and Temple Street Children’s Hospital.

It is a fantastic family day out, where people in the community get the chance to meet up and take part. The emphasis is on fun, and it doesn’t matter whether you prefer to walk, jog or run around the block. This year we’d love to see a big crowd back participating, as it is the first time in three years that the event will take place on our annual January weekend.

Last year, we were able to hold the event in May, but we do realise that it wasn’t possible for as many people to participate with a lot of sports events, holidays etc clashing with the event, so we really hope to have you all back taking part this time. There is no entry fee, and anonymous donations towards the school and Temple Street are greatly appreciated.

Notes for paper

If you would like to have something published in the paper please contact 087 9121714 or email ballymurnnotes@hotmail.com before 9 p.m. on Sunday night.


Christmas Swim

The Cullenstown Mermaids would like to thank all those who attended and contributed most generously to our Jack and Jill Foundation Christmas morning swim where fun and laughter rang out for this most deserving cause.

Split the Pot

This week’s lucky winner was Padraig Kelly winning €331.

Social Dancing

Dancing in Carrig on Bannow Community Centre for January; Friday 13th Colm Burke, Friday 20th Blue Lace, Friday 27th Philip English. All welcome refreshments served.

Bridge results

These are the winners on January 3 – 1st John Reville & Pax Morris; 2nd Imelda Crosbie & Mag Cullen; 3rd Mick Harpur & Patsy O’Farrell; 4th Aidan Colfer & Kathleen O’ Farrell

GAA news

Officers elected in the Bannow Ballymitty Ladies Football are as follows: Chairperson: Suzanna Murphy. Secretary: Mary Cosgrave. Treasurer: Rowena Ross. Child Protection Officer: Aine Fitzgerald.

Grantstown News

Calling all Volunteers – If you are available to volunteer any hours to help us deliver our service please phone us at 051 561016 for a chat.

Bingo – Our Drive-in Bingo is on every Wednesday night at 7.30 p.m. Your support would be greatly appreciated. We would like to thank everyone who supported us this year and hope you will be back with us next year. We would also like to thank everyone who donated prizes for our Christmas Raffle and the people who baked the treats and a special thanks to our volunteers without whom there would be no bingo.

CE Scheme Vacancies – We currently have a number of positions available on our CE Scheme for Carer’s, Maintenance Workers and Kitchen Assistants here in Grantstown Daycare Centre. If you are in receipt of a social welfare payment or unemployed for over 12 months, you may eligible for a CE Scheme. To be part of a CE Scheme is a great opportunity to access training and to build on your existing skills or to learn and train in a new skillset. The position involves working 19.50 hours per week. If you are interested, we would love to hear from you on 051 561016 or e-mail karen@grantstownpriory.com. More information on these positions can be found on the Jobs Ireland website.

AED – Please note our AED is now available at our centre and is activated by calling emergency services.


There is a dance in Clongeen hall on the Saturday 4th February, music by Theresa and the stars. Doors at 8:30pm. Admission €10.

Taghmon Community Games

At our recent AGM, it was ratified that the parishes of Bannow-Ballymitty, Clongeen and Taghmon will come together for Community Games in 2023.

We need the children of these area’s to put on their thinking caps and come up with a logo/name for the 3 areas. Prize for winning entry.

If you need further information, please contact any of the following: Phyllis Mullins on 087-9966185; Maria Banville on 086-1943483; Anne Reville on 083-3153216. Closing date for receipt of entries is 16th January.

Danescastle National School

Application forms for enrolment in Danescastle N.S. for September 2023 are currently available on our school website www.danescastlens.com

These forms are also available by emailing secretary@danescastlens.com, by writing to Principal, Danescastle N.S., Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford, by phoning 051561414 or by calling to the school.

Those wishing to enrol a child should return form on or before 20th February.


Bree Macra

Well done to the Bree Macra Novice Debating team who beat a Co Clare team in the All Ireland semi final in Callan last weekend. The Bree team of Sarah Byrne, Jordan Feeley, Tyler Murphy and Michael Roche was successful in proposing the motion that “Money Buys Freedom”. Michael was also judged Best Speaker on the night.

Scoil Eoin Baiste Open Night

Scoil Eoin Baiste, Galbally will hold an Open Night for those who may be interested in enrolling in the school for September 2023. It will take place on Tuesday 17th January 6-7pm and all are welcome.

Galbally Sports & Leisure Club News

Ladies fitness bootcamp returns Wednesday 11th January at 7pm . Yoga with Julie Fox is back Monday 9th at 7pm. New members welcome phone 086 0263713. Dancing with Declan starts Friday 13th January. Beginners classes 7-8pm and all are welcome 8-9.30pm, Phone Declan on 085 7089128. Hip hop dancing and Comhaltas nights continue as usual also for the younger ones.


Sympathy is extended to the sons, daughters, relations and friends of Kitty Walsh, Knockduff who died recently. Her Funeral Mass took place in Bree on Monday of last week. Sympathy is also extended to the wife, sons, relations and friends of Frank McNamee, Craan whose Funeral Mass took place in Enniscorthy on December 27th.

Ballyhogue GAA Lotto results

Numbers drawn on December 21st were 1, 2, 4, 6. No Jackpot winner. Match 3: Enda Kiely, Padraig Long, Lisa Cliffe, Damien Smith, Sinead Whelan, John (Jnr) Walsh, Breda Kiely, Tom Whelan, Fr. Michael Byrne, Michael Hughes, Caroline Donohoe.

Numbers drawn on January 4th were 4, 16, 23, 28. No winner. Match 3: Brendan & Catherine Byrne, Pat & Catriona Breen, Tom & Mary Egan Byrne, Paud Moriarty, Liam Walsh, Aidriel & Enda Byrne. Next draw 18th Jan. Next Jackpot €3,200.

Traffic concerns in Bree village

To help progress Traffic Safety Concerns in Bree Village, Bree Tidy Towns have created a petition which will be submitted to all relevant public representatives, in the New Year.

We would urge all of the community to support this important campaign either by signing the Online petition that can be found at https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/bree-village-traffic-safety-measures or signing in person in Bree Post Office and Hammels, Centra, Bree.

Your news

A sincere thanks to the PROs and club officers who have contacted us during the past year with details of their organisations’s activities. If you haven’t been doing so, then it’s time to make a New Year’s resolution. If you want the activities of your club or organisation to get publicity, email jimdoylebree@gmail.com before 10pm on the Sunday night (Thursday night on a Bank Holiday weekend) prior to publication.

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