October 6, 2024

Donald Trump announces plans to leak ‘magnificently brilliant’ chat with TV journalist who wound him up

Magnificently #Magnificently

Donald Trump has announced plans to leak his ‘magnificently brilliant’ chat with ABC journalist Leslie Stahl, pictured, after being angered by her line of questioning (Picture: Donald Trump)

Donald Trump has announced plans to make history by leaking an upcoming interview with a journalist he claimed was hostile and disruptive. The President of the United States tweeted Thursday: ‘I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted “takeout” interview of me by Lesley Stahl of @60Minutes.

‘Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and “magnificently brilliant” answers to their “Q’s”.’ Stahl’s chat with Trump was filmed on Tuesday, and is scheduled to air on ABC Sunday night. But President Trump was reportedly so angered by the journalist’s line of questioning he cut their allotted time short by 15 minutes.



TV sources claim the president said he was going for a walk, only to refuse to return. Trump also shared a video of Stahl not wearing a mask while chatting to her producers in the White House Tuesday.

And he has also tweeted photos of Stahl, a TV veteran, being presented with a huge bound book detailing what he claims are his achievements in American healthcare policy since coming into office.

Trump cut short his chat with ABC journalist Stahl – and subsequently shared a video of her without a face mask on (Picture: Donald Trump) Trump also shared a video of Stahl in the White House with no face mask (Picture: Donald Trump)

It is unclear what format Trump’s leak will take, and whether it will be a behind the scenes video of the ABC interview being filmed, or a more slickly edited but unauthorized version of the intended chat.

Trump made his announcement hours before his second live TV debate with Democrat rival Joe Biden.

The president has claimed it is ‘unfair’ that he and Biden’s mics will be muted when the other is talking to avoid the barrage of insults and interruptions that marred their previous debate last month.

Polls show Trump trailing Biden ahead of the November 3 presidential election, but the president insists he will win another term in office.

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