September 22, 2024

All the Questions We Need Answered in “Grand Army” Season 2


Talk about a mind-blowing finale! From the get go, Grand Army has not been afraid of shying away from some major taboo topics and it looks like they’re just getting started. With a stellar cast who brings these storylines to life, there’s so many possibilities of where the show can go in season 2. While we’re going to have to wait and see what happens, we certainly can’t stop trying to figure out which direction they’ll be going in the new season, if the show ends up getting renewed. So what’s next for the students at Grand Army High?

*Major spoilers for season 1 of Grand Army below!*

Here are the questions we need answered in Grand Army season two.

Will we even go back to Grand Army?

If you were listening carefully, you would’ve heard one of Joey’s podcasts talking about the coronavirus pandemic. Since the show seems to be taking place in our own real timeline, if the show does come back, it will be likely that we’ll see these characters doing some remote schooling as they deal with the first wave in NYC.

Will Tim open up about Joey’s rape?

Joey seems to finally be moving on from everything that happened at Grand Army, but it looks like Tim is just getting started. After getting high, Tim tries to text Joey, who was in the middle of a dance class, and he seems to be getting really desperate to make things right. Will he admit that he lied about everything that happened in the taxi? Or is he just trying to make himself feel better without actually helping?

Will Leila get the help she needs?

Oh, Leila. Whether you love or hate her, you have to admit that she definitely needs to talk to someone soon before things get any worse. As she spirals more, it seems like the end might be a little bleak for her unless she finally finds someone who can help her. However, there seems to be some hope after Omar found her other notebook. Will someone finally see that she needs more help? Or will it be too late for Grand Army High?

Will the school find out who sent the bomb threat?

In the biggest twist of the finale, it was revealed that it was Leila who sent in the note to the school about the fake bomb threat. It seemed like she would get caught when the two other students talked about a possible investigation. But will they actually find out? Or will she get away with it?

Will Dom’s family get retaliation for not going through the marriage?

It seemed a little too good to be true when Dom’s mom revealed that she wasn’t going let her go through with the forced marriage. While they’re still tight for money, they seemed to come up with a good plan to make it work. But with so much uncertainty, will it it actually work out? Or will they have to go back to their original plan to earn some extra cash?

Will Jayson face some major consequences over his protest?

At the all-state concert, Jayson decided to forgo his big solo to protest the fact that Owen wasn’t able to perform in the first place due to his suspension. Based on the look of the crowd, it looks like things might not go well for him after the performance. So is this the end of his music dreams? Or will it actually spark change?

Are Sid’s parents actually okay with his sexuality?

Things seem to be back to normal with Sid and his parents after he got into Harvard. But are they planning to forget about him being gay? Or will they actually have a conversation about it?

Are Sid and Victor together now?

Cute couple alert! Sid and Victor have certainly stolen our hearts with their kiss at the end. Are they about to be Grand Army’s latest couple? Or will they try to hide it from everyone?

Tamara Fuentes Entertainment Editor Tamara Fuentes is the entertainment editor for Seventeen and covers celebrity news, pop culture, television, movies, music, and books.

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