October 6, 2024

Five(ish) of the Worst, Most Insane Things That Happened During the Kanye West, Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes Live Show

Alex Jones #AlexJones

Kanye West sat down with Alex Jones on Thursday in a full face mask for a more than three hour festival of the macabre and bizarre, during which any doubt he’s fully embraced anti-Semitism were dispelled. Not to mention his ties to reality.

From the host admiring Ye’s body to a full Nazi embrace, and a break for clowns, it was horrifying, pitiable, enraging, and grotesque all at once, end to end.

West was so off the rails during the marathon sit-down that he appeared to make even Jones uncomfortable.

Accompanied by his new wingman – White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes – West wore a ski mask and spouted rhetoric that made David Duke look like an amateur.

Here are SOME most insane things that happened during the broadcast.

1. Ye told Jones He Likes Hitler and Nazis and Their Redeeming Qualities (More Than Once)

During one moment where Jones through West a lifeline to separate himself from accusations he is a Nazi, West decided to ignore it and dive farther into the deep end.

“You’re not Hitler, you’re not a Nazi. You don’t deserve to be called that and demonized,” Jones said.

West responded:

I love everyone, and Jewish people are not gonna tell me ‘You can love us and you know what we’re doing to you with the contracts, what we’re pushing with the pornography.’ But this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone I use as a musician. You can’t say out loud this person ever did anything good, and I’m done with that. I’m done with the classifications. Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.

West added, “I like Hitler,” and revisited that thought at the end of the interview.

He denied he was just trying to be “shocking” with the comment, insisting he actually does like Hitler. He then said “the Holocaust is not what happened” and added, “Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities.”

He also threw in that he thinks “Nazis are, like, kinda cool.”

For an added bonus, Jones asked Fuentes what he thinks of Nazis and the White nationalist helpfully replied, “I have to agree with Ye.”

2. West Pretended a Fish Net and Bottle of Yoo-Hoo! Were a Homicidal Benjamin Netanyahu

“I was tired of picking up the yahu and the netan, so for now he’s just netan,” West said as he picked up a bottle of the chocolate-flavored beverage Yoo-Hoo.

He then pulled out a small net and began to converse with it while using a high-pitched voice.

“What you want, Netan?” he asked the net. West responded to the net in a different voice, “Hey, Ye, right after this I’m gonna say you’re crazy and I’m gonna take your family away from you.”

While again conversing with the net, West told Jones he only recently learned of Netanyahu’s existence.

“I just heard about this guy two weeks ago… and I thought he had a funny name,” the rapper said. “I heard he’s like a super killer and I could die for saying this.”

3. West Said He Had “Practiced Chinese Water Torture” on Himself to Prepare for His Imminent Murder at the Hands of the Clintons.

“I have the right to speak out loud,” West said. “I do love my family, right? But I looked at every possible outcome. I’ve practiced Chinese water torture on myself. I would like, skip along Malibu in front of my house.”

West then broke out into song, “When the Clintons come to kill me, how is it going to be? What are they going to do to kill me?”

The rapper then brought out his Netanyahu net and briefly interrogated it.

4. West Got Perma-Banned Jones to Send a Tweet From His Account About Elon Musk.

West taunted Elon Musk by allowing Jones – who is permanently banned from Twitter – to post from his account. He said he was going to allow Fuentes, who is also banned, to do the same.

Jones took West’s phone and typed out “I love the first amendment! Long live Ye! I pray to Jesus that Elon is for real…”

As Jones typed out the tweet, West made repeated requests he change the language. Jones first wrote “I love the Jews.” The host admitted his Twitter skills were rusty.

Musk later responded to the tweet:

5. Alex Jones Raved About, Um, West’s Impressive Physique and Handsomeness.

At one point during the broadcast, Jones got very specifically complimentary about Ye’s size and physique, saying he’s built “like a brick you-know-what house,” and lamented the mask denied the InfoWars audience Ye’s good looks.

Honorable Mention: the Interview’s Pseudo-Intermission Featured Frank Sinatra’s Send in the Clowns.

Presented with no apparent sense of irony at all, Jones aired Sinatra’s rendition as they took a break after one of his many warnings across the lengthy interview that West would have to leave any minute to catch his plane. But each time they mentioned he had to jet, he ended up sticking longer and saying more of … well all this mess.

Mediaite’s Caleb Howe contributed to this article.

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