September 20, 2024

Cuyahoga County’s elections chief says he’s ready and our voting is secure: Today in Ohio

Tomorrow is Election Day #TomorrowisElectionDay

Today in Ohio, the daily news podcast of and The Plain Dealer. © Staff/ Today in Ohio, the daily news podcast of and The Plain Dealer.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Director Anthony Perlatti is prepping for Tuesday, two years after the 2020 general election was marked by misinformation, disinformation and denialism.

We’re talking about how the board safeguards elections on Today in Ohio.

Listen online here.

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Chris: [00:00:00] Only one more day to talk about the election. Are we all battle warden from this election? Can’t we talk about the calves? They’re eight and one and they beat LeBron James. How about that? It’s today in Ohio, the news podcast. Discussion from and The Plain Dealer. I’m Chris Quinn. I’m here with Lisa Garvin Lar Johnson, and back from her week off Layla Tossi.

Welcome back, Lela. As

Leila: I was telling you guys before the podcast, I spent the week potty training my toddler, so we’re, we’re calling it a success. Went well and uh, we’ll see how we continue this week. , when things get back to normal work schedule and things.

Chris: All right. I think we’re together today. I think we’re together tomorrow and then the rest of the week it’s gonna be a mess and there will be no podcast on Friday cuz too many of us will not be around.

Let’s get started with the politics. How did candidates for Ohio’s big contest the race for the Senate? Spend the final weekend of the campaign. [00:01:00] Lisa, you get this one?

Lisa: Yeah. They were barnstorming across Ohio over the last few days as the election loom. Tomorrow. So for JD Vance, he was actually hanging with his fellow Republican candidates in Ohio.

The, a bunch of them took a bus tour Thursday and Friday. Governor DeWine and I think the Attorney General and the auditor and the Secretary of State were along. He also scheduled some last minute events Saturday in central Ohio with Senator Josh Holly, the uh, Republican from Missouri, who Vance says he wants to emulate Josh Holly.

To be elected, which is Hmm. Lovely . And he said in his speeches, he’s saying that this race is a referendum against President Joe Biden. And of course he’s hitting the g o p talking points of inflation and public disorder, whatever that means. And he also, um, went to a fraternal order of. Eagles Lodge in Lima, and also they had rallies yesterday.

So JD Vance was in Akron, and Tim Ryan was in [00:02:00] Cleveland yesterday. So for Tim Ryan, he really didn’t hang with his fellow Democrats. He did not attend a set of events that was held by gubernatorial hopeful. Nan Waley that featured, uh, US Senator Brown, he was at a Friday rally in Cincinnati. Saturday rally in Columbus, and he met with each city’s Democratic mayor there.

Uh, this rally was hosted by US Representative Joyce Beatty at a black church, and it was called Souls to the Polls. And Ryan, you know, now the pollsters are saying that Vance has the edge in this race where Ryan has had it for most of it. And Ryan said, You know, pollsters, were gonna have egg on their face because their modeling is off again.

Chris: We have no idea, but at least tomorrow we’ll come to a close on this thing. It’s what’s odd about the, the way the country is now is the closer we get to election day, the more the fever gets. Mm-hmm. . And so the hate speech really comes out from both sides. And you know, Laura and I were [00:03:00] talking last week.

People are kind of fed up with it. And Laura suspects, that’s why we’re seeing big, gigantic inflatable Santa clauses on front lawns already is people are trying to glm onto something that gives them comfort. Laura’s written a column about this that’ll be running soon. I’ll just be glad when it’s over.

Who, however it ends, the, the, the madness has got to end. Right,

Lisa: Right. And, you know, and the. Thank goodness, you know, I’ve taken to muting the ads because it’s like wall towa ads during the six o’clock news, so I just, I just mute it. I can’t even look at it anymore.

Chris: Yeah, I’m with you. It’s today in Ohio. We got to spend a few minutes with the elections chief for Cuyahoga County who’s in the hot seat as he attempts to run a secure election while election and iers across the country try to undermine our faith in elections.

What did he have to say? And is he getting any sleep at

Leila: night? Well, reporter John Tucker did this, this interview with Anthony per lati from the Board of Elections, and, and the backdrop, as you said, Chris, [00:04:00] is, is all the disinformation that for many. Has led to the false belief that the presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump and that Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate.

And Ohio has been spared from those accusations of rigged elections because of course, Ohio voted for Trump. But per Lotti has reason to be concerned about how those conspiracy theories could affect this week’s election. After all, you know, last month, state auditor, Keith Faber, at a speaking engagement, floated this crazy idea.

KVA County could fall prey to vote manipulation plots during unaccounted for ballot paper that, you know, that ends up in the wrong hands outside of Ohio. And that’s a totally unfounded notion. Favor says he was speaking hypothetically, but I mean, come on now. He knew what he was doing. He’s sowing the seeds of distrust in the minds of voters, so, So that’s what per laia is up against.

And in this interview with John Tucker, he gave. Every assurance that the election is gonna go off without a hitch and that there’s no reason to be concerned about its integrity. He said [00:05:00] that. As far as the voting machines are concerned, none of the ballot scanners at the polling locations are connected to the internet.

None of them have a wifi modem. There’s just one power cord that goes to an outlet, so it’s impossible to hack the system. From outside it and they, they run logic and accuracy testing in all the equipment before it goes to the field using prevo test decks of ballots where they know the results and they run them through the machine and compare the expected results to the actual results and make sure they match.

And they test every single machine and every single oval position for all 975 precincts. This is a process that takes more than a week. Dozen and dozens of employees. So they’re ready. They’re ready, and it’s secure. And to answer your question, Chris, about whether he sleeps at night in these stressful, stressful days, per lotti says not really

He says he’s probably gonna try to catch up on sleep sometime after election season.

Chris: [00:06:00] When I floated the idea last week that we’re doing this story, I had several people write to me and say he’s not in any kinda hot seat. Ohio hasn’t, doesn’t have any problems, and those folks just aren’t getting what’s going on in the nation where there is a concerted effort to destroy our faith in the elections.

It’s one of the ways that you really. The kind of government you have by undermining people’s faith and institutions per lotti, in my mind, has one of the most difficult jobs going. He’s, he’s trying in the face of this to, to show people just how secure it is. And the good news is, is at least in Cuyahoga County, people believe it.

Right. We did the, the survey, Laura. Right. That showed that largely less so with Republicans, but people do trust the system in.

Laura: Yeah, more so in Ohio than in the rest of the country. I mean, there are still people that doubt it, and we’ve seen national surveys that are up to 70% of Republicans think the election was stolen, which seems.[00:07:00]

Incredibly high to be, but yes, I, I think people, it’s like every facet of government, right? You always like your own better than

Leila: everybody else. Well, I think, I think the outcome of the presidential election in Ohio is really what gave people that sense. I mean, the, because it went the direction of the conspiracy theorists.

It’s, uh, they’re not gonna flag Ohio as one of the cities that they, they, you know, are, are seeing a nefarious. Activity in the, at the polls. So, um, so it all has to do with if things don’t go the way that they want on Tuesday, then they’re going to, they’re going to say that there’s been

Chris: some rigging. Yeah, I know.

But that’s of course, I mean, that’s the Tucker Carlson Fox News mantra, right? If we don’t win it’s because it’s because it’s not possible for us not to win. There’s never been a time where that’s been the the statement, and that’s what. That’s what does it, that’s what authoritarian figures do. I’m telling you, Tucker Carlson and Fox News have done so much damage to, to people’s faith [00:08:00] and the institution is of this country.

That’s what, that’s what this is about. If I keep telling you it’s stolen, eventually you believe it’s stolen. And this idea that if my guy doesn’t win, then it’s rigged is, is ridiculous. I mean, wouldn’t it be great if, if the Browns could do that every time they lose it’s cuz it’s rigged. They’re the better team.

It’s, it’s a ridiculous premise, but it’s working. A whole lot of people believe it. We’ll have to see what happens tomorrow. It’s today in Ohio. Reporter Laura Hancock attempted to handicap what the legislature might do with abortion in its lame duck session. After election day, will they ban an abortion outright?

Laura, what does she.

Laura: Well, Laura gives four scenarios for lame duck. This is this long action packed amount of days between the November election and the end of the year. That’s when the two year legislative session ends. Many lawmakers leave office and anything that’s not passed dies basically, and you’ll have to start over all again.

So a lot of [00:09:00] lawmakers who oppose abortion are really eager to get it outlawed in nearly every case. They’ve been talking about this since Roe versus Wade. Overturned in June, and they talked about trigger bills. Those are still in the legislature. They haven’t been acted on. Really, They hinged on that.

Roe versus Wade getting struck down and that creates the crime of criminal abortion, expands the crime of abortion, manslaughter, and has no exceptions for rape and incest. Matt Hoffman says he doesn’t anticipate there’s enough time to pass a new law outlawing abortion during lame duck. There are. Days scheduled in both the Ohio House and Senate, but you, the leaders can schedule additional days anytime they want to do any kind of work necessary.

So she lays out these scenarios in which it’s possible they could pass a bill. It’s possible that they could not, It’s possible that they could make it a Christmas tree bill and add it as an amendment under something completely unrelated, which, Honestly, that’s probably what I think will happen.

Chris: I don’t know.

I think [00:10:00] with abortion, it would be dangerous to tuck that into another bill just to get it done without a discussion. And Hoffman’s on the record saying he won’t do that. Right. I mean, he has been very adamant that we will have a full discussion. Yeah,

Laura: and that’s what they say, that they want people to weigh in and there’s not a lot of time for that to happen.

Think about it. So hopefully they’ll just say, Okay, this is something we wanna take out in the new. But I don’t know. I mean, they’ve been waiting since June. They were really eager before June, so it remains to

Chris: be seen. And even Mike, the wine is cautioning them that, that, yes, because of the right of referendum, you are in a risky spot if you go too far.

And that they ought to do something that that may not spark. Outrage immediately.

Laura: Well, and one interesting aspect that Laura has in here is that if this preliminary injunction continues where the heartbeat bill is on hold because of a judge in Cincinnati, then republicans can just fundraise off the issue.

Right? They can [00:11:00] not do anything but keep telling everyone, we need your, you know, your support in order to outlaw abortion in the future and just use it as a campaign pledge that people give money toward.

Chris: Yeah. We’ll see. It’s today in Ohio. Is the election for South Euclid’s municipal court judge next week or this week bogus.

Is it breaking the rules? Shafer wrote a fascinating story about this. Lisa, what does it say? Yeah,

Lisa: there’s a judge in Rocky River, a municipal court judge Brian Hagen, who thinks that the election might be illegal. So what happened was is the longtime judge Ga Williams buyers, who was very controversial, by the way, resigned in July.

So attorney Timothy Sterkel is the only one on the. So he’s gonna win no matter what happens. So Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor, appointed an interim judge to take Williams Buyer’s Place. But Governor DeWine is the one who appoints the successor. He has not done so to this point. So Judge [00:12:00] Hagen says, Well, The Ohio Constitution requires elections to be held in the next year when buyer’s term expires, cuz her term expires next year.

And he says Article 13, Section four of the Constitution says a vacancy shall be filled by governor’s appointment. So he thinks that DeWine is required to appoint somebody. Before an election take place for an office which is vacant, and those are the words that are important for the office, which is vacant.

So Dine Flack, Dan Tierney says, Well, the appointment is under review. That’s all they would say about it, but ha is concerned that there will be legal challenges to, you know, if, if circle. Will be elected, you know, that there might be legal challenges to, you know, any of the rulings that he makes. He also thinks that it circumvents the governor’s appointment powers.

So, uh, the Board of Elections Director Anthony, per Lotti says it’s not an issue they’re pursuing in Cuyahoga County. They [00:13:00] cannot remove anything from the ballot unless. Formal challenge from someone withstanding in the matter. So Parlo says, we’re proceeding. He hasn’t even received a complaint or a court order to remove this race from the ballot.

Secretary of State, Frank LA’s office has no, He says they have no authority to take action and it should be resolved at the local level. And if it isn’t, he’ll step in.

Chris: Well, I guess the easiest thing would be for DeWine to appoint the guy who’s on the ballot. Then he’s both elected and appointed and there’s no problem.

So maybe that’s what the governor will do. That would be the wise move, right? Mm-hmm. , instead of appointing somebody else after this guy’s elect. Did. Um, it’ll be interesting to see how that breaks down. I mean, it does seem like the law’s pretty clear that this should be a government appointment and that the election should be next year because it’s supposed to be in the off year.

So it’s kind of strange that this is proceeding

Lisa: as it is. It is. And I think that there is room for malfeasance there. You know, you could really [00:14:00] kind of game the system with that.

Chris: Yeah, well if you got a ticket in that city , you might take full advantage of this to try and not have to get points on your license.

It’s today in Ohio. What does our renowned architecture critic Steve Lit? Think of Metro Health’s new hospital, the GL Center, it had its ribbon cutting over the weekend.

Leila: Yeah, lik officially opened on Saturday. And the 11 story building features public spaces that are really easy to navigate, Flood.

Daylight and filled with art. It has state-of-the-art patient rooms with Florida ceiling, windows, and flexible amenities and layouts for patients and caregivers. Steve seems to love it and he is especially pleased by the fact that this gleaming new building and the rest of the billion dollar transformation of the campus is, you know, Metro Health, ceo Akron Buttress way of delivering on his promise to create a hospital within a park from, from an architectural viewpoint, Steve applauded.

The shape of the building, it’s this long, slender [00:15:00] slab that tapers at both ends to make the building seem less bulky and less overbearing than it might otherwise have been. And he says it, it looks friendlier and more harmonious in the neighborhood than, than it could have been. But more importantly, you know, Steve says is, is what the transformation is doing for the community, which has been really.

Hurt by disinvestment over the years Metro Health Plans to create a 12 acre park between Scranton Road and West 25th Street, which is now just a tattered commercial corridor. And that would be the new front yard of the campus. The health system is also planning, um, and, and building three new affordable housing complexes at the edges of the campus.

And those projects are, are really designed to, in ensure. Against gentrification in, in the adjacent neighborhoods. And Steve says, all of this just goes a long way toward the hospital, redefining its once really standoffish relationship with the surrounding neighborhoods. He, he, Steve, does lend his critical eye to some aspects of the design.

You know, he says that courtyard needs to be softened with simp [00:16:00] landscaping, for example, and exposed pipes are a big eyesore. But overall, you know, it sounds like the building is really lovely and welcoming and, and a step in the direction of making good. On the hospitals promises to the community.

Chris: What do you hear from inside there?

Are the people who work there excited ?

Leila: Well, yes. I have a family member, a close family member who works there. And in the days leading up to this I’ve been getting so many text messages about how, you know, he, he was just really, uh, really eager to get in the new building cuz I think the old one is, On its very last leg with, I mean, really bad.

So I, I think anything would’ve been an upgrade to that old tower, but, but this sounds exceptional and I’m happy for them.

Chris: Yeah. And let’s face it, as they’re building the new one, the, the maintenance of the old one is emergency only, so it deteriorates very quickly. Uh, so I can imagine people getting into the new space, that’s always an [00:17:00] exciting, an exciting day.

Today in Ohio, some people surrounded by deer in our suburban neighborhoods, probably why this is even a crime. But what big poaching investigation did the Ohio Division of Wildlife announced last week,

Laura: Laura? Yes. Seriously. I do not feel like we need to be protecting deer as much as we do in the state, but Odn R has closed one of the states’s.

Biggest criminal schemes involving whitetail deer, ever convictions of 14 people charged with nearly 122 counts total spanning four counties, two states, and centered in Gallo at the a and e Deer Processing. So the state that this investigation, they unveiled a venture between two owners and operators of deer processing business.

Falsely game checked deer. They created false deer harvest records. They falsified deer tags. They exceeded the hunting limits and stole venison from the customers who brought in the deer for processing, which I could not have told you that Many ways to steal with [00:18:00] deer like that is a long list.

Chris: It, it, it is.

I get that the division of wildlife is run by license fees, and so if you, if you hunt for deer, your hunting license, your, the, the money you pay for the deer keeps them operating. But it seems like we have a massive overpopulation, a deer in this state. It’s so, I, I don’t know. It just seems if there’s this much demand for the venison, Why aren’t we opening it up so that there’s a bigger hunting season or something?

I mean, they’re everywhere.

Laura: I completely agree with you. And so over the course of two seasons, these people stole almost 2000 pounds of venison from 280 customers. That’s a whole lot of venison. I wanna know. Where are they making, How? How are they making their money off Where? Like, where’s the venison market?

Like I

Leila: don’t understand. And how is there not enough ven to go around? I mean, come on, . I’ve got venison walking through my backyard right now. . Yeah,

Laura: right. Like I understand it is not safe to hunt [00:19:00] deer in my backyard. I get that. Is there a way that we round them all up? Take ‘em to Gallia and apparently they’re very efficient at processing

Lisa: this.

And I always wonder what happens with the cold deer because the neighborhoods buy, Oh, we give the, the venison to the food bank. But when I lived in Texas, you could buy venison sausage at the Kroger. I mean, I can’t find, find venison to save my life.

Chris: Yeah, I, I, I don’t want anybody taking the deer outta my neighborhood.

I still get a big kick outta seeing and walking around here, but I, it does seem like there’s a disconnect between the state’s regulations and the, the need and desire to reduce the deer population. If there’s a big demand for venison, there’s a big supply. They ought to be meeting each other. It’s an interesting case.

It’s today in Ohio. You don’t see this happen very often, but a police officer is going to jail for a crime committed in the line of duty. Lisa, who is it? What did he do and how long will he be behind bars?

Lisa: Yeah. This is a 20 year veteran Cleveland police officer [00:20:00] Christopher Graham. He was convicted of misdemeanors.

Assault in relation to a 2017 incident. This, uh, conviction was last month. And then Judge Jasmine Torres Lugo suspended Graham’s 180 day jail term. So instead, he’ll spend one week in jail. He’ll be on probation for three years, but he is going to appeal. I, I don’t know what the grounds of the appeal are, but the sentence has stayed until the end of this month, so they’ve got a little time.

So city officials accused Graham of choking and slamming an 18 year old woman to the ground and then lying about it. This was, uh, at a Jefferson Gas. Station back in September of 2017. Graham was fired in April of 2021 for excessive force used in this incident. But he has priors. I mean, he was accused in two lawsuits in 2003 and 2005 for abuse of power.

They were settled out of court by the city for an unknown amount or settlement. And this woman that he slammed to [00:21:00] the ground was arrested and she spent five days in jail, but she was never charged with a.

Chris: Yeah, this is a case where the police officer clearly crossed the line and what you rarely see is for a police officer to actually be convicted and held to account.

I mean, that’s super rare. Uh, and you gotta feel for this woman who, you know, spent five days in jail, was never charged with a crime, finally seeing some justice

Lisa: happen here. Yeah. And this is a 20 year veteran and you know, like I said, there were some inklings that he’s done this before, but yeah.

Chris: Okay, it’s today in Ohio.

Our columnist, Brent Larkin, had an interview with Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb, about his failure to understand Eric Gordon’s value to Cleveland education. Layla, I get the feeling that BIB is doing everything he can to change the, the narrative on his relationship with Gordon because it’s really caused him trouble everywhere you go in town, people are wondering whether [00:22:00] bib is a bad, marere is not gonna.

To his billing and the Gordon episode is what did it, So what did he tell Brent and what did Brent think of it all? Well,

Leila: Brent seems kind of dismayed by BIB’s hubris overall, and, and the subtext of the column is, is certainly that 35 year old bib is perhaps an over his head and makings. Some poor decisions, not the least of which was the fact that although BIB met with Eric Gordon more than a dozen times to discuss other issues related to the school.

I mean, for the first eight months of BIB’s tenure as mayor, he never had a discussion with Gordon about Gordon’s future with the district. And that failure very well could have led to Gordon’s decision to resign at the end of the school year. And, and Brent cautions. Once Gordon leaves, what happens with the schools could very well make or break Justin Bbbs political career.

And I think that is very, very true. Brent. Brent says, bbbs goal in their discussion was to convince Brent that bib had nothing to do with Gordon’s decision to leave and, and to praise. Gordon’s [00:23:00] 11 years of leadership. And although Brent says that. BIB’s concern and care for the schools and its kids is, is sincere.

He’s not totally sold on, on that assertion that he was undecided about Gordon remaining as the school’s ceo. You know, Bib told him, I, I wanted to do my due diligence because this choice is important. I had to be thoughtful. I I needed time to judge the. The first school year, and he said, I’m within my right as the chief executive officer of the city to make my decisions on my timeline.

And to that, Brent said, You know, okay, but we are free to draw our own conclusions about whether that approach led to Gordon’s departure. And Brent says that the right thing for bib to do now is to really swallow his pride and ask Gordon to reconsider his, his taking leave for the, for the good of the district.

Chris: The, the troubling thing in that column for me was as soon as Bib sat down with Brent, the first words, or among the first [00:24:00] words out of his mouth were, Hey, I was elected to be a change agent, so you know, I’m a ch in instead of coming in. I, I think you’re right about the, the, the hubris instead of coming in saying, Man, this is a can of worms.

I screwed up. I should have been talking to Eric about his future more. I’m not sure. I wanna keep him. How can I even make that decision if I haven’t talked to him? Instead, his, the first words outta his mouth are, Hey, I’m, I’m the big dog now. You know, I’m making the call. That’s not good. I mean, and look, I know all over town this people were wondering about bib.

He had had some gaffs. He had had some screwups, but they were giving him the benefit, the doubt, The Gordon decision shocked people and now a whole bunch of people are looking at bib as is he. A weak mayor is the young guy who got in with no city hall experience. Has it gone to his head? Is he not talking to people who know better and is he really just saying my way or the highway?

What comes across in that column is, yeah, that’s who he is, and if that’s [00:25:00] true, he’s in for a very long next three

Leila: years. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I mean, Gordon’s departure will be calamitous for the district. You know, Brent talked to a lot of people, including, you know, sounded like some, you know, a lot of educators who didn’t wanna be named because of, you know, obviously their proximity to this.

But they all supported, you know, Gordon’s continued tenure with the schools.

Chris: People are very forgiving when, when a leader stands up and says, Hey, look, I made a mistake. If he did that, if he came out and said, Look, I, I, I made a mistake. I should have been talking to Eric Gordon. I really do want him to stay.

Uh, so I’m talking to him about what we can do. People would say, Okay, we’ll give you another chance. If he continues down this line of, I’m, I’m, I’m in charge. You know, do what I tell you. And I, I mentioned last week, people can’t get meetings with City Hall. They’re calling and they’re trying to get in to talk and they’re like, Yeah, yeah, we don’t, we don’t wanna talk to you.

And [00:26:00] that’s not the way to, to move forward. So Interesting. It is a good piece by Brent. Check it out. It’s on Cleveland Dot. Before we talk about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony, I wanna mention we talked last week about in, in very scornful terms, about how the induction ceremony was not going to be in Cleveland every other year as had been promised.

That was based on the Rock Hall Foundation President interview with the magazine, in which he said it’s going to be a three city. If you say it’s going to be a three city rotation, the clear implication is every three years, as soon as all that broke, the rock call, got in touch with us and, and Trey Smith has said, No, no, no.

It’s gonna be in Cleveland every other year. And then in the other cities and off years. It’s the first time. The first time the rock call has confirmed that in forever. So it is going to be here every year, every other year. That’s a good thing, although not. Apparently you will not be here next year. It’s gonna be 2024, it sounds like.

Anyway. What were the [00:27:00] highlights of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Los Angeles? I’m not sure if this is a Laura or Lisa question. It’s got this one. Okay. .

Laura: So this was a. Five plus our ceremony that Troy Smith watched and wrote all sorts of stories about for us for and was live tweeting.

So this is a loaded class. We got m and m and Dolly Parton, Who were the n caps of the evening? Carly Simon, Pat Beitar, Duran Duran, The Eurythmics, and Lionel Richie. And then Dudas Priest, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Harry Belafonte, Elizabeth Cotton, Grubman, Jimmy. Ive and Sylvia Robinson got the side categories and awards, but it was a big night.

All around. The guest list included Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp, who did a duet to Jerry Lee Lewis, along with Zach Brown Band. Olivia Rgo was singing Your So Vain, which I was watching on YouTube with my daughter who loves Olivia Rgo, and she’s like, I’ve never heard this song before. , um, Alanis Morrisette the Edge.

Cheryl [00:28:00] Crow Mar Morris. Just the list was huge. Um, and it just sounded like everybody was having a really good time honoring the inductees. Well,

Chris: for the uths to be back on stage together again for what? The first time in 10 years. That was, That’s a pretty big moment. Yeah.

Laura: Dolly Parton wrote her own song, for First Rock Song.


Chris: Connection is, uh, Pat Ben’s partner. I,

Laura: hon, you’re gonna have to talk about that because you know way more about, Oh

Lisa: yeah, Neil Geraldo, her, her guitarist husband. You mean

Chris: he’s from here, right?

Lisa: I think so, yeah.

Chris: Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Yeah, there’s a, Yeah, so we had, even though the ceremony wasn’t in Cleveland, we had a Cleveland connection, people would be able to watch, I hope, an abbreviated version, not the five hour version.

Laura: just sit down on your couch, guys. You’re gonna be here a. It’s

Chris: on hbo. On what? The 19th, The two weeks? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well people can check it out then. I guess it’ll go back to New York [00:29:00] next year. Cuz if it’s not coming here, uh, we’ll have to see today in Ohio. That’s it for a Monday. Tomorrow we’ll be having our final talk heading into election day Wednesday.

We’ll be talking about the results. Thanks Laura. Thanks Lisa. Thanks Layla. Thank you for listening.

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