October 6, 2024

The Long Anticipated Sequel To ‘Zelda: Breath Of The Wild’ Will Be Released Next Year

Zelda #Zelda

‘Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ is finally on its way to an actual release.


It’s been five years since Breath of the Wild was released, but it now looks like its sequel is nearly here and will be released in May of next year.

Called the Tears of the Kingdom, it looks to feature sky-based areas and the ability to traverse between them. The game engine appears to be the same too and seems to be a direct continuation on from Breath of the Wild.

The aerial areas are also somewhat reminiscent of those in Twilight Princess, though obviously expanded upon and inline with what we have already seen in games like Skyward Sword.

Apart from that, we don’t really know much else.

My only hope is that the overly fragile weapons and other items in Breath of the Wild are slightly sturdier this time around. Skyward Sword handled its wear-and-tear mechanics far better, so it was a bit odd to have weapons fall to pieces after barely any use at all.

It would also be wonderful to see a return of proper dungeons as well. The shrines in Breath of the Wild were fun, but too short and numerous, resulting in them being rather repetitive.

One thing that does stand out in the new game’s logo is that the Master Sword is somehow damaged or is in the process of being transformed into something else. Hopefully we will find out more about that in the coming months.

While I am happy to know we have another mainline Zelda game on the way, I had hoped to see news of the Wii U remasters of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker being given a Switch release.

After the success of Skyward Sword HD, which was thoroughly excellent, I thought Nintendo would have followed up with more classic Zelda remasters.

For now at least, Tears of the Kingdom is finally happening and will be released on May 12.

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