October 7, 2024

QAnon Host: Mar A Lago Search Warrant Is From Deep State Pedophiles

Brody #Brody

Anna Perez, a host on Real America’s Voice, told David Brody that the reason Trump was raided by the FBI was because…

…the deep state is protecting pedophiles.

“You know I theorized for a while that the deep state was protecting pedophiles,” Perez said.

She proceeded to link Judge Bruce Reinhardt to pedos (the Pizzagate asshattery) by saying he’s the Jeffrey Epstein-linked Obama donor, which is the story the New York Post and much of Fox News pushed yesterday.

Perez then described Trump as a crusader against pedophiles in wealthy elite circles. “And [Trump] wanted to expose them,” she said.

Has Perez ever seen Trump interact with his daughter when she was young? Or has she read about Trump’s immoral behavior during teen beauty pageants?

“[Trump’s] original intent was to expose these pedophiles,” she opined.

Perez then tried to shoo away the many pictures and interactions Trump had with Epstein, ahem, by claiming that was a ruse created by the Left so he wouldn’t expose pedophiles.”I think what really happened -this another threat in the deep state to Donald Trump, so he doesn’t expose pedophiles.”

How does Perez know this? She had a dream or some sort of aneurysm. That’s what I believe anyway. See what I did there?

Perez claimed the deep state threatens people, and she wondered how many other threats Trump has received from them.

What tipped her off that Trump was on QAnon’s side was when he said he was against pedophiles too.

It’s all about hints, not evidence from Perez and the thousands others like her.

“This is all part of the puzzle I’m trying to put together here,” Perez surmised.

“It’s a threat, It’s a threat from the deep state — They don’t want [Trump] to expose the pedophiles that he knows about,” she stated while Brody looked on in a type of stupefied awe.

Has Trump ever discussed all these pedophiles he knows about?


If a medical professional talked to her, they might diagnose them with some sort of paranoid delusions complex, etc. I’m not a mental health professional, but I’m trying to put together the puzzle.

Writing up this edited clip from a twenty-minute-long diatribe of Q bullsh*t gave me a migraine.

But it’s important to see what the GOP has become.

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