September 21, 2024

HISTORY UNDONE | Federal legislators, politicians celebrate overturning of Roe v. Wade

Sarah Huckabee Sanders #SarahHuckabeeSanders

Federal legislators and politicians from Arkansas and Texas largely supported Friday’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

Arkansas Republican gubernatorial candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders hailed the decision as a success.

Former press secretary President Donald Trump’s administration and current GOP nominee for the governor of Arkansas Sarah Huckabee Sanders hailed the decision as a success.

“For decades, this is a day so many of us have prayed for and worked towards. I am thankful for the brave resolve of the six Supreme Court justices who — while receiving death threats and extreme political pressure — did what is right: defending the lives of the most innocent and vulnerable in our society,” said Sanders, a former press secretary for the 45th president Donald Trump.

Sanders said as governor, she would work to keep The Natural State pro-life.

Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark., echoed Sanders’ sentiment.

“This is a long-awaited, consequential day for our nation. The Supreme Court’s decision to affirm there is no constitutional right to indiscriminately sacrifice the lives of children in their mothers’ wombs is the culmination of decades of work to correct the tragic, deadly lie that unborn babies are expendable and undeserving of protection,” he said. “I’m pleased to have helped confirm justices to our nation’s highest court who are committed to interpreting the Constitution in a manner that is consistent and true to its intent and meaning.”

He elaborated that Friday’s ruling is a great victory for the unborn.

“With this ruling, the American people will finally have the opportunity to enact their will on this issue instead of unelected judges in Washington, D.C. I am proud of Arkansas’ steadfast commitment to defend the sanctity, dignity and value of every human life, including vulnerable children who deserve our compassion and care.”

Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn also cheered the SCOTUS decision as a rousing success, pointing toward the issue of state’s rights and its importance to the Constitution.

“Today, the court has restored one of the core principles of our Constitution with this landmark ruling. This decision correctly returns the authority of states to decide the limits on abortion and will save countless innocent lives. I commend the justices for not bowing to the vicious intimidation campaign waged by the radical Left. I join Texans in celebrating this historic victory for life and the rule of law,” he said.

Not everyone celebrated the decision.

The Arkansas Democratic Party chastised Friday’s ruling and noted it will lead to dangerous outcomes in the state.

“The U.S. Supreme Court split-decision to ignore precedent and to overturn Roe v. Wade is set to fall heaviest in states like Arkansas, where women will lose long-established reproductive health care rights, transferring the power of their personal rights to the GOP-dominated state legislature,” a release stated. “In 2019, a hyper-partisan Arkansas legislature enacted a so-called ‘trigger’ law that automatically ends legal access to abortion services in Arkansas in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned — with no exceptions for rape, incest or fetal anomalies. The consequences of these decisions are far-reaching and devastating.”

The Texas Medical Association reaffirmed its commitment to providing the best care for patients and maintaining confidentially.

“TMA remains committed to protecting the privacy and sanctity of the patient-physician relationship. TMA is unwavering in its stance against intrusions by government or other third parties that impede the patient-physician relationship, and any criminalization of acceptable and appropriate medical practices that may jeopardize that relationship or patients’ safety,” a release from the organization states. “Especially in high-risk situations, patients need to know their physicians will be there to care for them, and TMA will continue to work with state lawmakers to ensure a safe practice environment for physicians and their patients.”

Roe v. Wade was handed down by the Supreme Court in 1973.

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