October 6, 2024

Celtics’ Al Horford hit a Draymond Green-like flex after massive comeback in Game 1 of NBA Finals

Al Horford #AlHorford

It ain’t over ’till it’s over, but when NBA veteran Al Horford starts flexing on you in the fourth quarter, that’s a pretty good sign the game is a wrap.

Horford, a mild-mannered big man who already has more than a dozen years of professional experience, made his first appearance in an NBA Finals game on Thursday night. It was the night before he turned 37 years old, and it was one worth celebrating.

The 6-foot-9 forward made the most of the opportunity, shooting 6-for-8 on his 3-pointers. It was a career-high mark for Horford, and the most any player has ever had in their first NBA Finals game.

Although his shooting was impressive, for many, that wasn’t actually the most memorable part of his night. Instead, that honor goes to what happened on this and-1:

Your eyes do not deceive you. After converting the finish through contact, Horford decided to bust out a celebration that should get people talking.

He flexed on them, like Golden State’s Draymond Green, then nailed the free throw. It was hard to imagine the Warriors coming back after that essentially sealed the deal.

By the time the game was done, though, Horford gave Golden State’s fans one last moment to remember his night.

Shortly before the clock struck midnight and he turned 37 years old, in the first-ever NBA Finals game at the Chase Center in San Francisco, Horford decided to blow them all a kiss.

As awesome as the kiss was, and as awesome as his shooting was, I know I’m not going to forget about his flex anytime soon.

Many NBA fans noticed what he did, and they couldn’t believe it either.

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