September 21, 2024

‘She is ashamed of our flag!’ – Top Tory minister humiliates Emily Thornberry over Brexit

Tory Britain #ToryBritain

Labour ‘wants the UK to be run by Brussels’ says Braverman

The two women clashed in a fiery session in the Commons when Ms Braverman was taking questions for her brief. Ms Thornberry, Labour’s shadow Attorney General, had demanded to know about the details of legal advice given to the Government to end a long running row with the EU over Northern Ireland. Labour opposes attempts to protect the integrity of the UK and has sided with Brussels bureaucrats amid speculation that they intend to form a Rejoiner alliance with parties like the Lib Dems.

Ms Braverman, a popular figure among Brexiteers who used to chair the powerful European Research Group (ERG), hit back at her leftwing opponent who had been a key ally of Jeremy Corbyn’s.

She pointed out that while a shadow minister for Ed Miliband, Ms Thornberry was sacked after a sarcastic Tweet about a house with a Cross of George England flag and a white van outside.

And she also pointed out that as a top member of Corbyn’s front bench she had tried to stop Britain leaving the EU and get rid of Britain’s nuclear deterrent which now protects it from Russian aggression.

Suella Braverman and Emily Thornberry

Attorney General Suella Braverman clashed with her shadow Emily Thornberry (Image: GETTY)

To loud cheers from Tory MPs, Ms Braverman said: “There are big differences between [Thornberry] and myself. I am very disappointed at the line of attack.

“I love the United Kingdom, [Thornberry] is embarrassed by our flag. 

“I am proud of the leadership the UK has demonstrated and [Thornberry] wants us to be run by Brussels and wants to scrap Trident.

“My heroes are Churchill and Thatcher, hers are Lennin and Corbyn.”

As tensions heated up the Deputy Speaker Eleanor Laing had to intervene to prevent Ms Thornberry from interrupting.

READ MORE: Remoaner claims ‘Boris hates Treasury’ as he brands Brexit ‘mistake’

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Emily Thornberry was shadow foreign secretary for Jeremy Corbyn (Image: GETTY)

The exchanges opened off with a statement from Ms Thornberry over the legall advice which has not been published.

She said: “The Attourney General has said again today that there is a longstanding convention that prevents her from discussing either the fact or the content of her legal advice on the Northern Ireland Protocol which makes it all the more remarkable that on Wednesday 11 May that the Times and BBC not only disclosed the fact of her advice but also quoted from its contents.”

She then asked for a yes or no answer on whether Ms Braverman had authorised the press leak.


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Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher is Suella Braverman’s hero (Image: GETTY)

Ms Braverman said: “I take the convention incredibly seriously as a running thread through the integrity and robustness with which law officers can provide advice. 

“I don’t comment on press speculation. 

“I would say this. The measures proposed there are to protect peace in Northern Ireland. They are proposed there to protect the Belfast Agreement and to protect our precious United Kingdom.

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