October 6, 2024

Amy Duggar King Says There Is a Side to Josh Duggar That ‘Makes Your Skin Crawl’

Josh #Josh

Just days before Josh Duggar is set to be sentenced on two child pornography charges, his defense team submitted a slew of character letters. The letter writers, including family members and friends, paint Josh, who had previously molested several of his sister and a family friend before being convicted of receiving and possessing child pornography, as “tender-hearted” and generous. The letters begged judge Timothy L. Brooks for leniency, outraging Duggar family critics and social media followers. The letters also infuriated famed Duggar cousin, Amy Dugger King. In an uncharacteristically forward Tweet, the 35-year-old business owner and mother called out her aunt and uncle, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, questioning whether they are “delusional.” She went on to say that there is a side to her cousin that “makes your skin crawl.”

Amy Duggar and her mother, Deanna Dugger, insist Jim Bob and Michelle lied to them

.Amy and her mother, Deanna Duggar, have long insisted that they had no idea what was happening inside the Duggar family home years ago. The duo took to social media after Josh Duggar’s arrest to tell their followers that they had been lied to by their family. They revealed that they were unaware that Josh had molested several of his siblings when he was a teen.

Josh Duggar booking photo from April 2021 arrest

Josh Duggar | Washington County Sheriff’s Office via Getty Images

Allegedly, Jim Bob and Michelle kept Amy and Deanna in the dark following the raid of Josh Duggar’s car lot in November 2019, too. The raid, by the Department of Homeland Security, led to Josh’s eventual arrest and conviction. Deanna Duggar is Jim Bob Duggar’s only sibling. Amy, her only child, appeared in several 19 Kids and Counting episodes with the Duggar family. TLC billed Amy as their “rebellious” family member because she attended a traditional school and dated without chaperones. 

Amy Duggar King took to Twitter to call her family out for writing letters on Josh Duggar’s behalf

Amy Duggar King has been one of the loudest voices in the family in recent months. She was one of the first to condemn Josh for his behavior. Now she’s speaking out against her family for penning letters supporting Josh, a convicted sex offender.

In a Tweet, Amy noted that her cousin was charismatic and funny, just like Michelle Duggar claimed. Amy, however, said that one could not ignore the much more sinister and dangerous side of Josh Duggar. In her post, Amy proclaimed that there was a side of Josh that “makes your skin crawl.” She did not detail any particularly negative experiences with her now-infamous cousin.

Amy Duggar King has supported Jill Dillard through her family rift

Amy hasn’t just been a strong proponent for a harsh sentence for Josh Duggar. She has spoken out against Josh multiple times. Amy has also been one of Jill Dillard’s biggest cheerleaders.

Amy Duggar IBPL

Amy Duggar | Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images

Jill opted to set boundaries with her family several years ago. The decision came after she and her husband, Derick Dillard, left Counting On, the family’s reality TV series. While Jill has always avoided publicly explaining why she stepped away, explosive court documents paint Jim Bob Duggar as “verbally abusive” and controlling.

Jill has not spoken out about her mother’s letter on Josh Duggar’s behalf. Jill Dillard was one of Josh’s earlier victims.

RELATED: Josh Duggar’s Trial: An Impact Statement Was Submitted by a Victim Ahead of Josh Duggar’s Sentencing

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