October 7, 2024

59% of New Yorkers Want Cuomo to Resign Following Sex Harassment Report: New Poll

Cuomo #Cuomo

Andrew Cuomo wearing a suit and tie: Governor Andrew Cuomo holds daily press briefing at the foot of Mario Cuomo Bridge in Tarrytown, New York, June 15, 2020. © Provided by NBC New York

Governor Andrew Cuomo holds daily press briefing at the foot of Mario Cuomo Bridge in Tarrytown, New York, June 15, 2020.

Following the release of the attorney general’s investigation on sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, most New Yorkers say the Democrat should resign or be impeached.

According to a new Marist poll conducted after the bombshell report that found the third-third governor sexually harassed multiple women, 59% of New Yorkers want Cuomo to resign and 59% of them said he should be impeached if he doesn’t resign. Among those who want him to resign, 52% are Democrats.

When it comes to impeachment, there is not majority Democrat support for that.

The poll also found:

  • 44% say he did something illegal
  • 29% more say he did something unethical
  • 12% of registered voters say he should be reelected
  • The number is worse among registered voters, 63% of whom said Cuomo should resign.

    A majority of every demographic group by party, region, income, education, ethnicity, age and gender says he should resign — except “non-white” voters who said: 49% resign and 43% stay.

    But otherwise there’s majority support for impeachment among every other demographic by region, income, education, race, age and gender – including the aforementioned “non-white” voters.

    In the last poll released in March, Cuomo’s approval rating on his handling of the pandemic was down to 54 percent, versus 72 percent in July. His overall approval rating fell sharply as well.

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