September 21, 2024

Alex Scott responds to Digby Jones after he said he ‘can’t stand’ her accent

Digby Jones #DigbyJones

31 July 2021, 10:05 | Updated: 31 July 2021, 12:19

Alex Scott spoke up for her working class roots after her pronunciation was criticised Alex Scott spoke up for her working class roots after her pronunciation was criticised. Picture: Alamy

Former House of Lords member Digby Jones has sparked a furious backlash online after criticising the working class accent of footballer and TV presenter Alex Scott.

Digby Jones posted on Twitter last night: “Enough! I can’t stand it anymore! Alex Scott spoils a good presentational job on the BBC Olympics Team with her very noticeable inability to pronounce her ‘g’s at the end of a word.Competitors are NOT taking part, Alex, in the fencin, rowin, boxin, kayakin, weightliftin & swimmin.”

He went on to criticise Sky’s Beth Rigby as well, saying: “She’s hot on the heels of Beth Rigby at Sky the Home Secretary for God’s sake! Can’t someone give these people elocution lessons? I fear that it may be aped by youngsters along the lines of the use of the moronic interrogative originally caused by “Neighbours”; on behalf of the English Language…..Help!”

But broadcaster Alex Scott spoke up in defence of her working class roots, saying: “I’m from a working class family in East London, Poplar, Tower Hamlets & I am PROUD. Proud of the young girl who overcame obstacles, and proud of my accent! It’s me, it’s my journey, my grit.

“A quick one to any young kids who may not have a certain kind of privilege in life. Never allow judgments on your class, accent, or appearance hold you back. Use your history to write your story. Keep striving, keep shining & don’t change for anyone.

LBC presenter James O’Brien posted a link to an article from February 2019 in which he posed the question: “Why does anyone still book Digby Jones?”

MP Dawn Butler tweeted: “Keep rising”.

Others accused Digby Jones of “outrageous snobbery.”

Jess Phillips tweeted that regional accents add “to the joy of the Olympics coverage”.

Golfer Thomas Bjorn, former footballer Micah Richards and ex-rugby international Will Carling added to the many voices of support, while Arsenal Women tweeted: “Keep being you, @AlexScott. Forever proud!”

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