September 22, 2024

Shakespeare’s lovers are silly teens

Shakespeare #Shakespeare

Ola Ince, who is directing a new production of Romeo and Juliet at the Globe, says it is not a love story at all


I’ve always thought that Romeo and Juliet, rather than being a tale of tragic lovers, is actually a story about how silly teenagers are, prone to act on impulse without a thought for the consequences of their actions (“Star-cross’d lovers? No, Romeo and Juliet were just ‘depressed’ teenagers”, News, last week). One other point: who in their right mind, with the surname Capulet, would call their daughter Juliet? Colin Jordan, London W4

Problem playHas your arts correspondent ever actually read this play? Does he not remember the lovers’ plan to escape (together with the help of Friar Lawrence), which fails only by chance? There is no suggestion of a suicide plot. Marie Prutton, Barnt Green, Birmingham

Adolescent insightOla Ince’s portrayal

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