January 13, 2025

Standish recount shows LeClerc beat Pomerleau by 4 votes

Leclerc #Leclerc

Standish Town Councilor Gregory LeClerc lost one vote but retained his Area 1 seat by four in a recount Tuesday.

LeClerc, the council’s new chairperson, edged out longtime former Councilor Philip Pomerleau by five votes in the June 8 municipal election. Tuesday’s recount confirmed LeClerc’s victory but decreased by one the votes cast for him. The final vote was 442-438, according to Town Clerk Mary Chapman.

Chapman said it’s the first recount in a municipal election since she became clerk in 1992, and she wasn’t aware of any prior to that.

LeClerc said the small margin of victory was not surprising.


“I anticipated it was probably going to be very close,” LeClerc said. “Mr. Pomerleau was a councilor for 16 years, and his wife was the council chair for six years after, so they’re very much a part of this community.”

He was not surprised by Pomerleau’s request for a recount.

“It was a very reasonable ask,” LeClerc said. “I think it’s good to iron out those wrinkles, and from the town’s perspective, it just ensures the integrity of the elections. People can have confidence that their vote counted.”

Pomerleau could not be reached for comment before the Lakes Region Weekly’s deadline.

After the June 8 and prior to the recount request, the council elected LeClerc as its chairperson.

Moving forward, LeClerc said he hopes to provide residents with more opportunities to participate in town government.

“People just feel unheard when it comes to making decisions, so right off the bat a small thing, but an important thing, I would like to implement is … to allow people to speak at the workshops,” LeClerc said.

“We work for the residents of the town, and it’s not the other way around. First and foremost, it starts with transparency, openness, respectful, thoughtful discussion and making some decisions.”

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