September 22, 2024

How to watch: Lucy Jones and other earthquake experts explain how to survive a major California quake

Lucy #Lucy

The Los Angeles Times and KPCC/LAist are teaming up to show you how to prepare for and survive a major earthquake in Southern California.

Join us for a live community forum tonight, with earthquake expert Lucy Jones, Times earthquake reporter Rong-Gong Lin II, KPCC science reporter Jacob Margolis, Times columnist Patt Morrison and KPCC host Austin Cross as they address the risks and reality of living in earthquake country.

Topics to be covered include the history of earthquakes in California, the state of earthquake preparedness here as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, what could happen in a major Southland quake, and how you can prepare. The expert panel will also answer viewer questions.

For more on earthquake readiness and resilience, sign up for the Unshaken newsletter from the L.A. Times and get ready for a major quake in six weekly lessons. Also, go to for more on home retrofitting, children, pets, kits, early warnings, apps, cooking and more.

What: Local Matters: How to Survive the Big One

When: June 24, 6 p.m. PT

Where: This event will be streamed live on this page of, on, and on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Cost: Free

Register on Eventbrite.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

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