September 22, 2024

We’re stronger together

Stronger Together #StrongerTogether

Being in cybersecurity in the era of SolarWinds and Colonial Pipeline, we know a thing or two about stressful situations. At the same time, we continue to support our employees around the world as we navigate this global pandemic together. Stress and mental health go hand-in-hand and to quote the late best-selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer, “You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”

Beyond the immediate health impact of COVID-19, there is a massive mental health crisis emerging among people of all ages after months of social isolation, recurring lockdowns, and financial insecurity. Families have had their routines turned upside down and children have lost all sense of normalcy. That said, being part of the solution, is always better than just stressing about the problem.

At Entrust, our sense of responsibility goes beyond intention and far beyond self. From raising awareness and funds for children’s mental health to participating in local mental health fundraisers and runs, encouraging our employees to get involved with their communities is ingrained in our company culture. After our employees did the heavy lifting to compile this list of mental health resources to share with their global colleagues, we thought why keep it to ourselves? Regardless of where you live, here’s hoping this list helps at least one person in your life:

Take a deep breath, we will get through this together.

The post We’re stronger together appeared first on Entrust Blog.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Entrust Blog authored by Jenn Markey, Amanda Walt. Read the original post at:

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